Chris loved extinct and legendary creatures and was a collector of art featuring them.
August Update: International Cryptozoology Conference 2017
The September 3, 2017 event will be a scientific and popular culture gathering that is five-minutes from the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
International Cryptozoology Conference / January 2016 / St. Augustine, Florida.
The three-day event is a serious, scientific cryptozoology conference being held near the site of the 1896 “Giant Octopus” beaching.
World Conference on Relict Hominoids, South Africa, Delayed Until Late 2015
The conference has been delayed due to the Ebola scare.
Sasquatch Cinema at DragonCon 2014
During Atlanta’s DragonCon, get on over to the Valdosta room at the Sheraton, for my Saturday, August 30th, 4 pm or Sunday, August 31st, 2:30 pm presentations on Bigfoot Films.
New Malaysian Bigfoot Tracks!
Considering there are new reports of tracks being found in Malaysia, in June 2013, this is a good article to review.
Cryptozoology, Cryptid and Hominology
Are there other published examples, in English, from Ivan Sanderson or others, of the use of “cryptozoology” before 1961?
Meet Famous Authors! See Boggy Creek Movie! Learn How To Seek Sasquatch! Come to Cryptopalooza!
Have you signed up yet? Big conference. Family friendly.
Bigfoot Commentator Verg Passes Away
Mark Vergeront was a fine arts teacher at the Riverside Poly High School. Would he have called himself a Bigfooter? Perhaps, perhaps not.