Pop Culture

Enjoy An Illustrated History of Urban Legends

Enjoy An Illustrated History of Urban Legends

This is a book that I highly recommend for all ages.

“Wizard of the West” Tony Shiels Passes Away

“Wizard of the West” Tony Shiels Passes Away

On the morning of July 12, 2024, Tony “Doc” Shiels, the so-called “Wizard of the West” died.

Cryptozoologist of the Year: The Golden Yeti 2021 Goes To Daniel Perez

Cryptozoologist of the Year: The Golden Yeti 2021 Goes To Daniel Perez

We wish to congratulate Perez for being acknowledged as 2021′s Cryptozoologist of the Year.

Prolific Author Michael Newton, 69, Dies

Prolific Author Michael Newton, 69, Dies

Michael Newton, 69, well-known for his cryptozoology encyclopedia, has died.

The Cryptozoology Deaths of 2020

The Cryptozoology Deaths of 2020

The year of 2020 was awful, we all know that. We lost many.

Bryan Sykes Dies: Brought Genetics Credibility to Hominology Studies

Bryan Sykes Dies: Brought Genetics Credibility to Hominology Studies

The discoveries yet to be found in the DNA of the Pangboche “Yeti finger” may remain in the future, thanks to Dr. Sykes.

Richard Corben, Comic Book Artist, Dies

Richard Corben, Comic Book Artist, Dies

Corben inked Swamp Thing comics (#7 and #8), which had the character “Coleman Wadsworth” in it.