Michelle Souliere’s Bigfoot in Maine (2021) has an introduction by Loren Coleman.
The following list is revised and updated from 2020.
Loren Coleman: A Complete Book List 2020
Having been involved in cryptozoology since 1960, the Year 2022 will be my 62th year investigating.
In 2022, I will mark 47 years since my first book in 1975 was published, and it will be the 44th anniversary since Creatures of the Outer Edge was published.
At 20, I had the experience of seeing my first thoughts in print, in Outdoor Illinois.
“Rather late. I have to write more,” was my reaction.
As my general brief biography relates: During the second half of 1975, Loren Coleman’s first book was published by Warner Books, when he was 27. He was in the process, in August of that year, of moving from California to New England. He found the first copy of his first book on the shelves of a bookstore in the Midwest, even before he was able to receive a copy from his New York publisher. Since then, Coleman has written, edited, and contributed to many other books, as primary author, coauthor, editor, or contributor.
“How many” books have I “written” depends directly on how one wishes to count the many tomes, editions, revisions, series, and other products of Loren Coleman’s book-length writings.
The number of books associated with my writings in them or completely from me today numbers over 100.
Two recent books even have chapters about me. They are:
Monster Hunters (2015) by Tea Krulos (The first chapter, “The Monster Hunter and His Museum,” is about Loren Coleman and the International Cryptozoology Museum.)
Bigfoot, Yeti and the Last Neanderthal (2015 + 2016 edition) by Bryan Sykes (Chapter 16, “The Guru,” is about Loren Coleman.)
Below you will discover, in chronological order from most recent to earliest, the authored and coauthored editions, and various other forms of contributions (shown in “quotation marks” after the book title) of my, Loren Coleman’s output in book form.
Contact Loren Coleman via the International Cryptozoology Museum and
find him on Twitter at @CryptoLoren
The Books
Forthcoming in 2022
Merbeings: The True Story of Mermaids, Mermen, and Earth’s Lizard People by Mark A. Hall and Loren Coleman.
Bigfoot in Maine by Michelle Souliere. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Sun, Sand, and Sea Serpents by David Goudsward (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman)
Water Horse of Lake Champlain: The Search by Katy Elizabeth (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman)
Planet Bigfoot (2019). Editor, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. (“The Myakka Skunk Ape Photographs” and “The Patterson Film Hoax Debate” by Loren Coleman.)
The Big Muddy Monster: Legends, Sightings, & Other Strange Encounters (2019) by Chad Lewis, Noah Voss, and Kevin Nelson. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Mothman: Evil Incarnate ~ The Unauthorized Companion to The Mothman Prophecies (2017) (Hardcover 2019)
by Loren Coleman
Wood Knocks Volume 2: A Journal of Sasquatch Research (2017) Editor, David Weatherly. (“Fake News: How Wallace’s Fake Footprints Fused With The Film” by Loren Coleman.)
International Cryptozoology Society Journal: Volume One (2017)
Editors, Loren Coleman and Jenny White Coleman
Werewolves and Dogmen (2017) Editor, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. (“Beast of Gévaudan” by Loren Coleman and Michel Raynal.)
Neanderthal: The Strange Saga of the Minnesota Iceman (2016) by Bernard Heuvelmans, Translator Paul Leblond. (“Afterword” by Loren Coleman.)
Legend Tripping: The Ultimate Adventure (2016) by Robert Robinson. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Old Flames and Heroes (2015) by Mord McGhee. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Handbook for the Amateur Cryptozoologist (2015, 2nd Edition) by Brian D. Parson. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)

by Peter Costello, and with Loren Coleman (new “Foreword”) and Bernard Heuvelmans (new “Preface”).

Monsters of Massachusetts (Stackpole Books, 2013) by Loren Coleman.
The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster New York: Anomalist Books, 2012, by Lyle Blackburn. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
The Encyclopaedia of New and Rediscovered Animals: From the Lost Ark to the New Zoo – and Beyond 2012, by Karl Shuker. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
The Bigfoot Filmography: Fictional and Documentary Appearances in Film and Television. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2012, by Dave Coleman. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Ritual America: Secret Brotherhoods and Their Influence on American Society: A Visual Guide. LA: Feral House, 2012, by Adam Parfrey and Craig Heimbichner. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Sync Book 2: Outer + Inner Space, Shadow + Light: 26 Essays on Synchronicity (Volume 2), Sync Book Press, 2012. Editor, Alan Abbadessa-Green. (“On Being A Synchromystic Twilight Analyst” by Loren Coleman.)
True Giants: Is Gigantopithecus Still Alive? NY: Anomalist Books, 2010, by Mark A. Hall and Loren Coleman.
Monsters of New Jersey: Mysterious Creatures in the Garden State. NY: Stackpole, 2010, by Loren Coleman and Bruce Hallenbeck.
An Illustrated Guide to The Lost Symbol. NY: Pocket Books/Simon and Schuster. John Weber, Patrick Huyghe, and Michael Bober, eds. (“Secret of the Pods” and “The Double-Headed Phoenix” by Loren Coleman.)
Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life. by Ivan T. Sanderson. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2008 edition. Loren Coleman Presents. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Mythical Monsters. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2008 edition. Charles Gould. Loren Coleman Presents. ”Introduction” by Loren Coleman.
The Book of Werewolves. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2008 edition. Sabrine Baring-Gould. Loren Coleman Presents. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Curiosities of Natural History: Third Series. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2008 edition. Francis T. Buckland. Loren Coleman Presents. ”Introduction” by Loren Coleman.
Thunderbirds: America’s Living Legends of Giant Birds. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2008 edition. Mark A. Hall. Loren Coleman Presents. HB edition. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
The Dragon in China and Japan. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2008 edition. Marinus Willem De Visser. Loren Coleman Presents. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Beasts!: A Pictorial Schedule of Traditional Hidden Creatures (Book Two). Seattle: Fantagraphics Books, 2008. Jacob Covey, ed. (“Mainstreaming Cryptozoology” by Loren Coleman.)
Ghosts of the Bridgewater Triangle. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2008, by Christopher Balzano. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Weird Virginia: Your Travel Guide to Virginia’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets. NY: Sterling, 2007, by Jeff Bahr, Troy Taylor, and Loren Coleman.
The Anomalist 13 San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books. 2007. Patrick Huyghe, ed. (“Between Worlds: The Three Nephites” by Loren Coleman.)
The Great Sea Serpent. Antoon Cornelis Oudemans. NY: Cosimo Classics, 2007 edition. Loren Coleman Presents. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
The Romance of Natural History. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2007 edition. Philip Henry Gosse. Loren Coleman Presents. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Darklore. Volume 1. Brisbane, Australia: Daily Grail, 2007. Greg Taylor, ed. (“Bigfoot’s Bogus Burial” by Loren Coleman.)
Mysterious America: The Ultimate Guide to the Nation’s Weirdest Wonders, Strangest Spots, and Creepiest Creatures. by Loren Coleman. NY: Paraview Pocket – Simon and Schuster, 2007.
How do books change over time? The Paraview Pocket – Simon and Schuster edition (seen directly above) of Mysterious America appeared in 2007 and is a good case to examine.
Since first appearing in 1983, the entire original book has been rewritten, internally, often. New chapters have been added, some retained but expanded, and the actual text has been changed by 50%.
In the 1983 edition, for example, the two mystery cat chapters totaled just 23 pages. In the 2007 edition, there are now over 60 pages of text in those two cryptid feline chapters alone, plus the new detailed listings of Eastern and Western North American mystery cat sightings as appendices.
In the 1983 volume, there was no index, and so, I wanted that corrected. In 2007, you’ll find about 275 people (from Arment to Zarzynski), places (from Abington, IN to Yakin County, SC), cryptids and other items in small print over the eight pages of the new index. Down through the years, the 1983, 1989, 2001, and 2007 editions appear to be different books because they actually are, inside and out, with new covers and greatly changed contents, even though various publishers kept the essence of the best-selling classic title in intact for identification and marketing reasons.
The Unidentified/Creatures of the Outer Edge: The Early Works of Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman. By Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman. NY: Anomalist Books, 2006.
The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates. by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe. NY: Anomalist Books, 2006.
The Yowie: In Search of Australia’s Bigfoot NY: Anomalist Books, 2006. Tony Healy and Paul Cropper. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale Philadelphia: JSpringer, 2006. Raechell Smith and Mark Bessire, eds. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Strange Guests NY: Anomalist Books, 2006. Brad Steiger. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Bigfoot Casebook Updated: Sightings And Encounters from 1818 to 2004 NY: Stackpole, 2006. Janet and Colin Bord. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Lake Monster Mysteries: Investigating the World’s Most Elusive Creatures Louisville: University Press of Kentucky, 2006. Benjamin Radford and Joe Nickell. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
The Greenhaven Encyclopedias Of Paranormal Phenomena. New York: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Patricia D. Netzley. (“Cryptozoology” by Loren Coleman.)
Weird Ohio. NY: Barnes and Noble, 2005. By James Willis and Andrew Henderson, and Loren Coleman.
The Copycat Effect. by Loren Coleman. New York: Paraview Pocket-Simon and Schuster, 2004.
Mysterious America: The Revised Edition. by Loren Coleman. NY: Paraview, HB 2004.
Thunderbirds: America’s Living Legends of Giant Birds NY: Paraview/Cosimo Classics, 2004. Mark A. Hall. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Alexis Rockman. Rome: Monacelli, 2004. Alexis Rockman, ed. (“Cryptozoology” by Loren Coleman.)
La Gazette Fortéenne Vol. 3. Paris: Editions de l’Oeil du Sphinx, 2004. Jean-Luc Rivera, ed. ["L'homme congelé du Minnesota" ("The Minnesota Iceman") by Loren Coleman.]
Weird U.S. NY: Barnes & Noble, 2004. Contributor, various subsections.
The Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep. By Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe. NY: Tarcher-Penguin, 2003.
Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America. by Loren Coleman. NY: Paraview Pocket-Simon and Schuster, 2003.
The Beast of Bray Road Eau Claire, WI: Unexplained Research, 2003. Linda Godfrey. (“Preface” by Loren Coleman.)
Track of the Bigfoot Greenville, NC: Booklocker, 2003. Dallas L. Tanner. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
Baseball and American Culture: Across the Diamond. NY: Haworth Press, 2003. Edward J. Reilly, ed. (“Boys of Summer, Suicides of Winter: An Introduction to Baseball Suicides” by Loren Coleman.)
Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology. by Loren Coleman. Fresno: Craven Street/Linden Press, 2002.
Mothman and Other Curious Encounters. by Loren Coleman. NY: Paraview, 2002. Produced in conjunction with Sony/Screen Gems and their film The Mothman Prophecies, in a mutual publicity/marketing campaign.
The Anomalist 10 San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books. 2002. Patrick Huyghe, ed. (“Bigfoot Labeled: A Depression-Era Image from California Discovered” by Loren Coleman.)
Shadow of the Thunderbird Greenville, NC: Trilogus Books, 2002. Dallas L. Tanner. (“Foreword” by Loren Coleman.)
The Hunt for the Buru Fresno: Linden Books, 2002. Ralph Izzard. (“Introduction” by Loren Coleman.)
Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. Chicago: ABC-Clio, 2002. George M. Eberhart. (“Introduction: If We Don’t Search, We Shall Never Discover” by Loren Coleman.)
La Gazette Fortéenne Vol. 1 Paris: Editions de l’Oeil du Sphinx, 2002. Jean-Luc Rivera, ed. ["Le Windigo" ("The Windigo") by Loren Coleman.]
Mysterious America: The Revised Edition. NY: Paraview, 2001. by Loren Coleman.
Preventing Youth Suicide Through Gatekeeper Training by Loren Coleman and Susan O’Halloran. Augusta, ME: State of Maine, 2001.
Fortean Studies Vol. 7. London: Fortean Times, 2001. Ian Simmons and Melanie Quin, eds. (“Monsters of the 21st Century: The Role of Hybrids in Cryptozoology” by Loren Coleman.)
Cryptozoology A to Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature. by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1999. Chosen for 2001 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults List by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) and American Library Association (ALA). Bestselling cryptozoology book of all time for all titles, all authors.
The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide. by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe. NY: HarperCollins, 1999.
Preventing Youth Suicide Through Gatekeeper Training (1998, rev. 2003) by Loren Coleman and Susan O’Halloran. Augusta: Medical Care Development and Maine Children’s Cabinet
The Anomalist 5. San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 1997. Patrick Huyghe, ed. (“Backscatter: Reply to Letters on ‘De Loy’s Photograph: A Tool of Racism’” by Loren Coleman and Michel Raynal.)
Contemporary Legend: A Reader. New York: Garland, 1996. Gillian Bennett and Paul Smith, eds. (“Alligators in the Sewers” by Loren Coleman.)
The Anomalist 4. San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books. 1996. Patrick Huyghe, ed. (“De Loy’s Photograph” by Loren Coleman.)
Creating Kinship. by Loren Coleman, Sharon Kaplan Roszia and Annette Baran. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1996.
Child Maltreatment and Abuse Investigations for Law Enforcement Officers. by Loren Coleman, Kris Sahanhik, Mary Colombo, and Carol Boggis. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1996.
Child Maltreatment and Abuse Investigations for Tribal Law Enforcement Officers by Loren Coleman, Kris Sahanhik, Mary Colombo, and Carol Boggis. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1996.
The People’s Almanac Presents the Twentieth Century. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1995; Woodstock: Overlook Press, 1999. David Wallechinsky. ( ”9 Large Animals Discovered in the Twentieth Century” by Loren Coleman.)
The Anomalist 2. San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books. 1995. Patrick Huyghe, ed. (“Was the First ‘Bigfoot’ a Hoax?” by Loren Coleman.)
Popular Alienation. Lilburn, GA: IllumiNet Press, 1995. Kenn Thomas, ed. (“Tom Slick – Man of Mystery” by Loren Coleman.)
The Anomalist 1. San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books. 1994. Patrick Huyghe, ed. (“Incendiary Poltergeists, Spontaneous Human Combustion and Fire Suicide Clusters” by Loren Coleman.)
Myth or Real Collector Cards. by Jerry D. Coleman and Loren Coleman. Chicago: America Realist Company, 1994.
Working With Rural Youth. by Loren Coleman, Dan Porter and Diane Elze. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1994.
Quest for the Unknown, Vol. 10, Man and Beast. London: Reader’s Digest, 1993. Peter Brookesmith, ed. (“Yeti: The Abominable Snowman,” and “Yeren: The Chinese Wildman” by Loren Coleman.)
Elder Fire Safety for the 90s. by Loren Coleman and Kathryn Buxton. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1991. Winner of the 1992 Simmons School of Social Work Alumni Recognition Award.
Adoption and the Sexually Abused Child. Editors, Loren Coleman, Joan McNamara and John McNamara. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1990.
Tom Slick and the Search for the Yeti. by Loren Coleman. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1989.
Mysterious America. by Loren Coleman. Boston: Faber and Faber. New red cover edition, 1989.
Curious Encounters: Phantom Trains, Spooky Spots and Other Mysterious Wonders. by Loren Coleman. Boston: Faber and Faber. 1989 Edition.
Working with Older Adoptees. by Loren Coleman, Karen Tilbor, Helaine Hornby and Carol Boggis. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1988.
Working with Older Adoptees: A Sourcebook of Innovative Models. by Loren Coleman, Karen Tilbor, Helaine Hornby and Carol Boggis. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1988.
Suicide Clusters. by Loren Coleman. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1987. Psychotherapy and Social Science Book of the Month Club Selection, August 1987.
Unattended Children. by Loren Coleman, Susan Partridge and Roy Partridge. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1987.
Teen Suicide: Coded Cries for Help. by Loren Coleman, Sally Brown, Robert Schroff, Carol Boggis and Anne Bernard. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1987.
Teen Suicide in Foster Care: Coded Cries for Help – Training Manual for Suicide Prevention. by Loren Coleman, Sally Brown, Robert Schroff, Carol Boggis and Anne Bernard. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1987.
SOS – Runaways and Teen Suicides: Coded Cries for Help – Training Manual for Suicide Prevention (1987) by Loren Coleman, Sally Brown, Robert Schroff, Carol Boggis and Anne Bernard. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1987.
Curious Encounters: Phantom Trains, Spooky Spots and Other Mysterious Wonders. by Loren Coleman. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1985. 2nd Edition, 1986. Cover of the Year Award, State of Massachusetts Book Design Assn., 1985.
The Sasquatch and Other Unknown Hominoids Calgary: University of Calgary, 1984. Vladimir Markotic and Grover Krantz (eds.) (“From Atshen to Giants,” by Loren Coleman and Mark A. Hall, and “The Occurrence of Wild Apes in North America” by Loren Coleman.)
The Book of Lists #3. New York: William Morrow, 1984. Anne Wallace, David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, eds. (“Nine Large Animals Discovered by Western Science Since 1900,” and “Eight Worst Monster Hoaxes” by Loren Coleman.)
Working Together: Community Involvement in Maine’s Foster Care Case Review. by Loren Coleman and Barbara Sparks. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1984.
Working Together: Community Involvement in Maine’s Foster Care Case Review – A Training Curriculum. by Loren Coleman and Barbara Sparks. Portland: University of Southern Maine, 1984.
Adolescent Stabilization Project. by Loren Coleman Portland, ME: University of Southern Maine, 1984.
Mysterious America. by Loren Coleman. Boston: Faber & Faber, 1983.
Fate Editors’ The World’s Strangest Stories. Chicago: Clark Publishing, 1983. Fate Editors. (“Phantom Clowns,” and “Kangaroos From Nowhere” by Loren Coleman.)
Creatures of the Goblin World. by Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman. New Clark Publishing (Fate Magazine) edition, 1980.
The Peoples Almanac #3. New York: William Morrow, 1981. David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, eds. (“Alligators in The Sewers” by Loren Coleman.)
Creatures of the Outer Edge: What Lies Behind the Bigfoot Mystery? by Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman. NY: Warner Books, 1978.
The Unidentified: Notes Toward Solving the UFO Mystery. by Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman. NY: Warner Books, 1975.
Le livre de l’inexplicable by Jacques Bergier. Paris: Editions Albine Michel, 1972. (“Some Bigfoot Traditions of the North American Tribes” by Loren Coleman and Mark A. Hall.
Was there anything left off the list of which you are aware?
Fun Image Trivia: The following three book covers were suggested but never used or even existed. But you will find them used on eBay, now and then, unbelievably.
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