Finding the next new species of coelacanth may involve conducting detective work, ethnographically, in West African art.
Still Accepting Samples For DNA Evidence of Cryptids

Well-known, world-renowned genetic scientists will be working with this project.
Stack of Pancakes Analogy: The Layers of Evidence of the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Incident

No one has been able to overturn the possibility this footage is genuine.
Today the Patterson-Gimlin Film Turns 45
#Bigfoot #EXISTS
The evidence, I find, is compelling for a population of hairy, unknown primates in the Pacific Northwest.
Oxford-Lausanne Yeti DNA Study: Do You Have A Sample For Them?

#Yeti #DNA
Do you have a hair sample from an Abominable Snowman?
Bulletin: Orang Pendek Handprint
No photographs have been shared yet.
What Did You Think Of Finding Bigfoot: “Frozen Bigfoot”?
It is time to have your say!
Oh, No! “Most Convincing Evidence of Bigfoot” News Conference Scheduled
Writes the promoter of this one: “No, it’s not a Bigfoot in a Freezer and we are not affiliated with those guys.” Image.
Critical Evidence for Sasquatch
What is the proof of Bigfoot? From videos to tracks, prints to analyses of sighting maps, take a total look at the evidence. Images. Exclusive.
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