“This must clearly be regarded now as the most significant book ever authored on the genre of Bigfoot/Sasquatch and Abominable Snowmen/Yeti films! This takes us far beyond Snowbeast and Harry and the Hendersons into the great archives of motion pictures and documentaries known and nearly unknown on hairy hominoids.” ~ Loren Coleman
“Definitive Guide” to Bigfoot [Updated With New Images]
What did you think? The reviews are still coming in. Updated with New Images.
February 26, 1848: Bundyilcarno
“A creature described by the natives as something very similar to an ourang-outang is supposed by many colonists to exist in the mountain ranges at the back of Western Port,” writes our correspondent.
Lindroos on Giants
Tales of giants have been pervasive and persuasive. They’ve been used to sell newspapers, terrify naughty children, name fledgling sports teams and mined as fodder for all types of fantastic fiction.
Newton on Giants
While most students of cryptozoology recognize “Giganto” as a favorite Bigfoot/Yeti candidate, many may be unaware that German anatomist-anthropologist Franz Weidenreich (1873-1948) renamed the creature Giganthropus, treating it as a primitive ancestor of Homo sapiens.
Redfern on Giants
What if something else, something even more fantastic in its implications than the idea that Bigfoot is Gigantopithecus, is actually afoot?
Myakka And Multiple Models Again
Where’s the smoking gun for the stance of the claims? Images.
True Giants: 1937
These old reports appear to depict hominoids with large footprints, some 21 inches long, and estimated heights of the beings far above what any Bigfoot or Yeti would be
John Green On The Sasquatch Classics
In this special guest contribution, John Green addresses the “Sasquatch Classics.”
Redfern On Giganto
Today, a guest blogger’s critique of the new book from Mark A. Hall and Loren Coleman, True Giants: Is Gigantopithecus Still Alive?. Images.
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