Igor Burtsev has formed a collection of individuals interested in the habituation end of the hominology spectrum. Here is his statement (corrected for English-speakers):
Friends, the main idea of this group is not the research of the Forest People, though it is one of the aims, but just to befriend them. We don’t need to get more proofs of their existence – there are a lot of such proofs, but the heads of big science [Western Science?] don’t want to see them and hear the proofs. And no judges exist to recognize the Forest Peoples. Thus the main idea of this society is to spread the info about our Forest Friends and initiate the proud movement to recognize them by Governmental authorities and even by such international organization as the United Nations Organization and such as WWF, Greenpeace, and so on.
Let’s attract more supporters of this idea, and we can achieve their recognition and protection by law.
United we shall win! Igor Burtsev
Such an organization created without verification of the species, needless to say, is merely a “true believers” group, based on relatively blind faith. Igor Burtsev is not shy about stating what it is, and so there it is.
Thusfar, the International Society of Forest People’s Friends appears to only exist at Facebook, here.
Janice Carter and a couple hundred people are in the group. Igor is adding people without asking, and if you find yourself in the group, you will have to op out as I, Jim McClarin, and some other people have had to, to leave it. I frankly have nothing against Igor and this effort for those that wish to “believe” in such things, but I am busy enough without being made administrator of a group.
Igor adds, via a comment to Cryptomundo:
It should be taken into consiederation, that the first step to such a recognition will be done by the International Conference on Hominology in Kemerovo Region, Siberia, Russia, on September 21-25, 2011, supported and patronized by such a representatives of the State as the Governor Aman Tuleyev and the Senator Serguey Shatirov.
Also I should mention that another group of the public using internet in Russia, “vkontakte”, counting more than 2000 members, support this idea about establishing such an International Society of friends and supporters of Forest Peoples.
And yes, I included into that Society those FB participants, who I supposed agree to be the BFs’ friends. We have gathered more than 270 participants of this group agreed to be in just for one evening.
And we shall continue to attract more participants to this sociey and later shall transform it into live organisation, I hope.Igor Burtsev
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