With nearly 200 books, Cohen’s legacy is rich, from monsters, to ufos, to other unexplained topics.
The Dog Days of Beachfoot 2015
If one of these Beachfoot dogs shares your domain, please identify it by name and breed, on Facebook or via a comment here.
“Killing Bigfoot” Will Stir Up Kill vs No Kill Debate
In conjunction with the series, Peter von Puttkamer has produced what he thinks might be the “first Bigfoot Music Video.”
Maned Mystery Lion On Norwalk Video
As one expert said, “Yes, it certainly does look like an African lion. It’s not a cougar.”
Soldier of Fortune: Mothman Sightings Were Merely Green Berets
I have to speak with some caution and critical thinking about this explanation.
Top Cryptozoology Deaths of 2013
These individuals are recalled here for our annual goodbye and celebration of their lives.
For The First Time: Color 1962 Nape Photograph
In the spring of 1962, I, along with my brothers Bill and Jerry, came upon ape-like foot tracks in a dry creek bed in Illinois.
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