Top Cryptozoology Deaths of 2013

Top Cryptozoology Deaths of 2013
by Loren Coleman, Cryptozoology A to Z.

It is that time of year when I gather my notes on the recently deceased people whose lives have been touched by cryptozoology and cryptids, in general, and then by extension, touch us.

All deaths are deeply experienced, and I pause to remember those who have passed away in 2013, with respect for them, their families, and for all they shared and created. These individuals are recalled here for my annual goodbye and celebration of their lives.

They are listed chronologically, by date of death.

(1) Ivan Mackerle, 71
The world’s foremost Mongolian Death Worm researcher died on January 3, 2013. More details, here.
(2) Jean-Jacques Barloy, 74
The great French cryptozoologist and Bernard Heuvelmans biographer died on January 26, 2013, peacefully during his sleep. More, here.
(3) Scott McClean, 50
Greatly admired American Sasquatch archivist passed away on January 30, 2013, due to cancer. More, here.
(4) George Lowe, 89
The early Yeti hunter and famed mountaineer died on March 20, 2013. More, here.
George Lowe Member Of Edmund Hillary's Himalayan Expidition.

(5) Warren Thompson, 71
On the same day that Lowe died – March 20, 2013 – an important American figure in the early hunt for Bigfoot died. More, here.

(6) Johnny Lee Hayes, 47
The beloved Texas Bigfooter passed away April 13, 2013. More, here.

(7) Bobbie Short, 76
The longtime online archivist, who many thought was 58, was really 76, and passed away on May 16, 2013. More, here.

(8) Mike Morwood
The professor instrumental in the discovery of Homo floresiensis in 2003, and open to the “Hobbit’s” cryptozoological implications, died on July 23, 2013. More, here.
(9) Roy P. Mackal, 88
Loch Ness Monster and Mokele-Mbembe researcher, cryptozoologist Roy P. Mackal has died. More, here.Mackal-Africa2

(10) Joyce Marie Kearney, 70
The Bigfoot researcher and cryptozoology conference supporter died on September 20, 2013.   More, here.

(11) Robert C. Stebbins, 98
An internationally known expert on reptiles and amphibians, an author of field guides on herps, and a professor who was involved in the cryptozoology pursuit of the cryptid Giant Salamander of the Trinity Alps, died on September 23, 2013. More, here.
(12) Lloyd Pye, 67
The researcher on the Starchild skull and some Bigfoot reports reportedly has died on December 9, 2013. More, here.
Other deaths hit hard too, and did not fall too far from our circle of friends and associates. These include Karl Shuker’s mother, Mary Doreen, who died on Easter Sunday, Craig Woolheater’s father, Dick, just as the Ohio Bigfoot conference opened, and two cryptofiction writers, Rick Hautala (March 21) and Colin Wilson (December 5th).
[This above list of *12 people is my overview of the year, but may be revised if there are any major cryptozoology deaths during the remainder of the 2013. We hope not. Also, if there is someone you think I missed, please contact me by clicking here for my direct contact form. Thank you.]

One Response

  1. hudgeliberal
    hudgeliberal December 13, 2013 at 12:34 am |

    So very sad. It seems so many of the people whom I have admired and who helped to get me interested in sasquatch are slowly leaving us. I urge EVERY sasquatch researcher/enthusiast to enjoy and respect those who paved the way. As a 47 year old who grew up reading their books and watching the documentaries in which they were featured,I see that so many of the “legends” in this field are now senior citizens and we should learn as much as we can from these brave men/women. The golden age(60′s and 70′s)of sasquatchery has long passed,however we still have people(Green,Byrne,Morgan,Coleman,Keating,Lund etc and many others)who have a ton of knowledge,not only of sasquatch behavior and field work but the history of the search. We must embrace the history and learn everything we can about the facts and events that played out during the golden age. It is so fascinating and was such an interesting time. We need to document all the stories and make sure we get these legends to get their thoughts and experiences on record. We do not have to agree on every issue but we can learn from each and everyone of these pioneers who chopped out the original path of cryptozoology. I admire and try to learn from all who paved the way for this subject to become somewhat mainstream. Hopefully,the attention seekers and charlatans that have taken over this field will get bored and move on and we can get back to doing research the way it should be done. Great article Loren!

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