You never know what tomorrow might bring.
May 18th: Mt. St. Helens Blows, Followed By Bigfoot Removal?
A National Guardsman has come forth saying it really happened.
What do you think? Bigfoot body coverup??
Flashback: Coleman vs Nickell
The smackdown happened in June 2007. A deeper look. Video. Images.
More on Outer Edge Creatures
Some have even written that “Clark and Coleman” set off the psychosocial zooform movement that still survives in the UK today, with our books and writings of such things as tulpas, way back in the 1970s.
Momo’s Hometown: Louisiana, Missouri
#SwampMonster #NameGame #Momo
What happened here 40 years ago? Images.
The Mormon Conspiracy and Bigfoot
#Bigfoot #LDS #Mormonism
This topic is already one within popular Bigfoot popular culture. We should not be afraid to discuss it here.
All-Time Best Cryptozoology April Fools’ Jokes
#AprilFools #Cryptozoology #Hoaxes
Will anyone pull any good April Fools’ jokes in 2012? Will they join the lsit of all time great ones?
True Believers Have No Place In Cryptozoology
#Belief #Skepticism #Fortean #Cryptozoology
“Believing” is about religion, more than science.
The Massacre Files: The Blue Creek Mountain Pilot
Was Bob Titmus or Keith Chiazzari at Blue Creek Mountain in 1967?
Bush Phantoms: Carter Farm Revisited
#Tennessee #Bigfoot Why is this bit of #cryptozoology stirring up a hornet’s nest? Images.
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