Well-known, world-renowned genetic scientists will be working with this project.
New Cat Species Realized For Brazil
The two populations of tigrina previously thought to be one species do not, in fact, interbreed and thus are distinct.
Indiana “Bobcat” Killed, Identified As Leopard
Indiana officials are mystified as to the source of the animal.
What A Week In Ohio: Loose Lion, Mystery Monkey, and The Mythical Circus Train Escapees
I have written often about what I call the “Circus Train Wreck Myth”; here’s the latest example!
Shelby County, Kentucky Mystery Animal
What creature left the tracks behind?
Illinois’ Phantom Panther Invasion: Location Updates
#MysteryCats #PhantomPanthers
Here are new images from the sightings.
When Is A Black Panther A Black Bear?
What’s up, doc?
Northern Illinois Cougar Sightings Continue
“This was clearly a big cat,” says the eyewitness.
#Illinois #MysteryCat #Cryptozoology
Disturbing Disclosure: Texas Cougars Being Released in East?
#MysteryCats #Eyewitnesses
Coming soon in a program on a documentary cable channel in the near future?
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