Cryptid Canids

Bladenboro Beast Is Back

As the North American warm weather develops and the two new cryptozoology television series, “MonsterQuest” and “Destination Truth” battle for ratings heats cryptid matters, it will be worth our time to notice how many media mentions are generated by these two programs. For example, the Beast of Bladenboro article below appears to have been written because of the documentary filmmakers renewing investigations of the old stories as due to any new reports. If the tourist development success seen in such locations as Bladenboro or ones like in Point Pleasant, we should not be surprised to see other rural towns sharing [...]

White Yeti & Mutant Ready

The Portland Phoenix’s Deirdre Fulton attended my talk today, and she just posted a flash review, here. It was a good crowd, and I appreciated the good introduction from local artist and library staff supervisor Michelle Souliere. Michelle Souliere views Swanson’s White Yeti (a/k/a “Killing Moon”), when it was at Bates College’s Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale. Fulton’s article reminded me of two things: 1) “All politics is local,” as longtime Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress Tip O’Neill would said. He, of course, was talking about how the concerns and focusses of the rural areas, towns [...]

The Wolves of Shelburne

The Boston Globe Rare gray wolf, thought extinct in area, appears in western Mass. By Stephanie Reitz Associated Press Writer / March 4, 2008 SPRINGFIELD, Mass.—When more than a dozen lambs and sheep were slaughtered on a Shelburne farm last fall, wildlife officials suspected either a wolf that had escaped from captivity or a rogue mutt on a hungry rampage. But after the culprit animal was killed and examined, they found themselves with a bigger mystery: How did a wild eastern gray wolf, an endangered species absent from the state for more than a century, find its way to western [...]

Beast of Bolivia Track

What is it? Felid? Canid? Unknown? Identify the mystery imprint. The first image shown is the track of the so-called “Beast of Bolivia.” The following ones are various felid, canid, and other track images shown for comparison. What do you think the animal is that made the first track? The Beast of Bolivia imprint compared to a human hand. Dog track. Puma or mountain lion track. Comparison of felid tracks. Canid vs felid tracks. Felid vs canid tracks. Bear tracks. Coyote tracks. Coyote tracks. Raccoon track. Otter tracks. Thanks to “Mnynames” for pointing out where to find the first image.

Beast of Bolivia

A mystery killer, called the “Beast of Bolivia,” after the location of Bolivia, North Carolina, is said to be terrorizing the area. Bolivia is situated on the border with South Carolina. A total of 148 people in 45 families reside in the town. (Update: Click on Beast of Bolivia Track to view the alleged imprint of this cryptid.) An unknown predator mauled a pit bull and killed two puppies in Brunswick County, and residents fear it’s the same animal that killed three dogs in September [2007]. No one has reported ever seeing the animal. The county’s animal control agency investigated [...]

Thylacine or Mangy Fox?

What could be the source of the new sightings of striped mystery animals, detailed below? When is a striped mystery animal seen in Australia not automatically tied to the sightings of Thylacines? Apparently, it was bound to happen in this Year of Mange. You will note in this article the code word “mystery.” But you will not find anything about the Thylacine, by name, in the following article. I noted that cryptid in the headline to not ignore the most obvious unknown striped animal seen in Australia. However, Thylacines have black stripes on a brownish body, and the description is [...]

Shunka Wars

Lance Foster, myself, and others have looked for the mounted Shunka Warak’in for decades. I’ve written about it in columns, books, and blogs. Finally, after 121 years of it being missing-in-action, the taxidermy mount has surfaced. But guess what? There is a developing tug-of-war over who owns it, which state has the rights to it, and where it will end up. Jack Kirby with Island Park’s mystery animal. Bozeman Chronicle photo. I posted what Montana felt previously. Now here is the Idaho side of the story: The Sherwood Beast of Island Park legend and lore has been kidnapped! The stuffed [...]

“Mutant Canines” on MonsterQuest

On Wednesday, December 05, 2007, at 10:00 PM Eastern, with repeats overnight and in coming days and weeks, the broadcast of the “Mutant Canines” episode of MonsterQuest will occur on the History Channel. Check your local listings for time and channel. The official description of the program hints that one of the core stories is about the Turner, Maine, “beast,” with interviews of eyewitnesses, as well as reporter Mark LaFlamme and cryptozoologist Loren Coleman. MonsterQuest: Man’s best friend is many times our last line of defense. But something strange is killing Fido. In 2006, a rash of pets were killed [...]