White Yeti & Mutant Ready


The Portland Phoenix’s Deirdre Fulton attended my talk today, and she just posted a flash review, here. It was a good crowd, and I appreciated the good introduction from local artist and library staff supervisor Michelle Souliere.

More Bates

Michelle Souliere views Swanson’s White Yeti (a/k/a “Killing Moon”), when it was at Bates College’s Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale.

Fulton’s article reminded me of two things:

1) “All politics is local,” as longtime Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress Tip O’Neill would said. He, of course, was talking about how the concerns and focusses of the rural areas, towns and cities around the country affect the actions of their representatives and senators in Washington, D.C.

The same can be said of cryptozoology. Whatever goes on at the grassroots level has an impact on the global point of view of our field of study. It is insightful for me to see what reporter Fulton took away from my noontime presentation (here). Notice the cryptids she mentions in her post. It is intriguing to read her overview, and realize that it all does really begin locally.

I enjoyed the questions from the audience, as I always do. I am still pondering the one about why I don’t get up to Alaska to study Thunderbird reports or the inquiry from the gentleman who asked about how is it that I always seem to get to sightings so quickly. Hey, no moss is growing under my feet in the land of paradoxes.


2) Deirdre Fulton also reminded me that besides “Destination Truth’s” Yeti program being on at 10 pm Eastern on SciFi, there is a replay of “MonsterQuest : Mutant Canines” at 9 pm Eastern on the History Channel. I see it also repeats early Thursday, March 6, at 1 am Eastern.

Also late today, David Pescovitz posted on the “Evolution of Yeti imagery” at Boing Boing, and Henry Stokes commented on “In Conjunction with Cryptomundo.”

International Cryptozoology Museum

Some of my collection of popular cultural “white” Yetis.

Stokes posted the art work shown at the top, which wonderfully captures the battle between the white Abominable Snowman and the brown Yeti!
