Let these creature creations finally see the light of day!
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
#Chupacabras #CincoDeMayo
What will this day bring for you?
Chupacabras of Michoacán
#Chupacabras are being blamed for the strange deaths of 35 sheep in #Mexico.
Sex, the Single Vampire, Chupacabras, and Valentine’s Day
#Vampires #Valentine’sDay #Chupacabras #Death #Blood
San Diego Diablo?
What is it?
#Skepticism #Chupacabras #MontaukMonster
As the beached-object in #SanDiego’s melodrama began to unfold, I was receiving other mystery-objects-found emails. Images.
Prince Chupa = Mangy Canid
The animal was called a “Chupacabras” by some locals. Images.
El Chupacabras De Mayo
Today is El Cinco De Mayo (“The Fifth of May” in Spanish). A good excuse to celebrate Chupacabras and Jennifer Lopez. Images.
Need $250? Take Ben’s Chupa Challenge!
Here is what the editor of the Skeptical Inquirer says about his potential reward to historical Chupacabras researchers. Images.
Kentucky Chupacabra
Guess what it is? Images.
AOL News: Chupacabras vs Chupacabra Again
Lee Spiegel of AOL News has written an intelligent and balanced summary of the latest bit of research confirming what some of us have been saying for a couple decades. Images.
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