Gordon Strasenburgh suggested Bigfoot would be a new species he named Paranthropus eldurrelli.
Large Bird Sighted Again in Alaska
An oversized avian unknown has been observed in the Mendenhall Valley of Alaska.
Mark A. Hall, Cryptozoologist and Fortean, Dies
This world is much less interesting without Mark A. Hall.
Gigantopithecus Returns in The Jungle Book
There is a big surprise for cryptozoologists and hominologists in this new movie.
Cryptozoologist Mark A. Hall: Happy Birthday 2014
June 14th is Mark’s birthday, and a good day to remember a sincere, hard-working cryptozoologist.
New True Giant Tracks in Johor?
Breaking news from Malaysia tells of the discovery of some remarkable four-toed tracks that hint at a link to earlier sightings of a large hominoid.
Based On A True Story: Jack the Giant Slayer
Bryan Singer’s new movie is based on true stories from our distant past, as Mark A. Hall and I document in our recent book, True Giants.
Air Disaster in 1962
Guest blogger Mark A. Hall shares his thoughts about recent events in relationship to a possible collision of an airliner with a giant bird of a mere few decades ago.
Hoaxing Revealed
The Real Bigfoot and Genuine Bigfoot Tracks, Part 7: Hoaxing Revealed by Mark A. Hall
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