The Top Cryptofiction Books of 2006 by Loren Coleman, Author of Mysterious America. In 1998, Craig Heinselman of New Hampshire and editor of Crypto coined the word "cryptofiction." The term refers to any literary work that has cryptozoology or a cryptid or groups of cryptids as the major theme or central focus. What are the most noteworthy new works of cryptofiction published in the last twelve months? Five completely different kinds of novels and one graphic novel – all cryptofiction contributions – gain recognition here for the Year of 2006. These selections are so diverse that they occupy their own [...]
Top Ten Cryptozoo Mystery Pix 2006
CryptoZoo News’ Top Ten Mystery Photographs of 2006 1. What mystery fish or whatever is shown on this antique postcard produced between 1904-18? 2. What did researchers Klindt’s & Dianna’s remote cam catch on April 30, 2006, near Mt. Hood, Oregon, USA? 3. What was the "Maine Mutant" photographed by Michelle O’Donnell in Turner, Maine, in August 2006? (This one turned out to be 100% dog.) Images #1, #2, and #3 may be clicked on to make them larger. 4. Was this new photo taken around August 15, 2006, at Lake Nahuel Huap, really the famed Argentinan Lake Monster, Nahuelito? [...]
The Top Cryptozoology Books of 2006
The Top Cryptozoology Books of 2006 by Loren Coleman, Cryptozoologist Author, Cryptozoology A to Z, Bigfoot!, and Tom Slick It is time for the annual top picks for the best cryptozoology books of 2006, with attention to each book’s individual achievements noted in recognition of its unique niche within the cryptozoological literature this year. Since 2000, I have published my annual "best of lists" in cryptozoology. Last year’s list of the best non-fiction books can be found here. For more information on each book picked below, please click on its hyperlinked name. Congratulations to the authors, editors, and publishers. Readers, [...]
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