
Brazilian Hominoids Discovered

Before you jump to any conclusions, remember “hominoids” includes humans, hominids, anthropoids, and pongids. What has been discovered, actually? What would happen if an undiscovered group of so-called “Brazilian Indians” was found, and among them were seen “near-humans”? Would anyone take the possibilities seriously? In a time when Google Earth is spotting hidden huts in the jungles, will satellite photos reveal more than living areas and humans? Will sky-based photography point out more of a diversity of hominoids or merely confuse the picture? See today’s breaking images from Brazil: Fox News is reporting on Friday, May 30, 2008, those photos [...]

Indiana Mystery Canids Video

David Shetley has posted for Cryptomundo the following news video on YouTube of the Gatchel, Indiana, mystery canids. The on-camera reporter warns you it is graphic. After what you’ve all gone through this week at Cryptomundo (black panther killings, the Bigfoot massacre theory, and now this mystery pack of canids being killed), you may find this video is rather tame. The species remains unidentified. Why searching for more on this new Indiana report, I came across the following video, “Indiana Wolves,” which will serve as today’s respite from all the talk and images of the killing of animals. Enjoy.

No No Gnome

I earlier posted about the “creepy Argentinan gnome video” making the rounds, along with one of the versions of the footage. As the comments there indicate, multiple uploaded videos demonstrate that several takes of the “incident” were made, the images look like a puppet, and other things point to a hoax. Nevertheless, interest is still running high about the visuals. I was interviewed by reporter Alex Davies of Wireless News Flash service yesterday, for the following story they sent out today to their 800 radio stations and other news outlets: ARGENTINIAN GNOME A RED-HATTED HOAXPORTLAND, Maine (Wireless Flash) — Strange [...]

General Guemes Gnome

A little gnome with a pointed cap has been captured on a cellphone digital video camera. With a pointed cap? Where have we all seen gnomes like this before? Two years ago, the 30th anniversary edition of the coffee-table book Gnomes hit the bookstores. It reflects how successful the popular cultural icons of the gnomes pictured on the cover and within that book have become. We are surrounded by gnomes. Gnomes was the product of Rien Poortvliet (1932-1995) and Wil Huygen (1925- ), who supposedly made alleged observations of the local gnome population in Holland. The cryptofictionalization of these beings [...]

Micronesian Fossil Pygmies Discovered

Breaking news out of Micronesia appears to confirm both the notion that Homo floresiensis were “normal” and that “little people” tales are worthy of pursuing for more fossil evidence. Since the reporting of the so-called “hobbit” fossil from the island of Flores in Indonesia, debate has raged as to whether these remains are of modern humans (Homo sapiens), reduced, for some reason, in stature, or whether they represent a new species, Homo floresiensis. Reporting in this week’s PLoS ONE in a study funded by the National Geographic Society Mission Programs, Lee Berger and colleagues from the University of the Witwatersrand, [...]

Hobbits At Harvard

The discovery that Homo floresiensis survived until so very recently, in geological terms, makes it more likely that stories of other mythical, human-like creatures such as Yetis are founded on grains of truth….Now, cryptozoology, the study of such fabulous creatures, can come in from the cold.Henry Gee, editor of Nature, “Flores, God and Cryptozoology,” 2004 editorial. This Thursday, March 6, 2008, at 5:30 pm, an intriguing lecture will occur regarding Homo floresiensis. I was first alerted to this forthcoming talk by my son, Malcolm, who is enrolled in Dr. Javier Urcid’s “Human Origins” course at Brandeis University. I have written [...]