Wanja helped Rene with his research and interviewed those people who claimed to have seen the elusive creature.
Top Cryptozoology Story of 2019: A Boy, A Bear, and A Bigfoot In The Woods
The number onecryptozoology” story of 2019 was the tale of a possible guardian Sasquatch.
Albert DeAtley, Roger Patterson’s Brother-In-Law, Bigfoot Film Backer, Dies
Albert DeAtley, Roger Patterson’s Brother-In-Law, Bigfoot Film Backer, Dies
Comic Book Artist Michael Mitchell, 53, Dies Suddenly
Michael S. Mitchell, 53, author of Granite State Bigfoot, died unexpectedly at his home on September 7, 2019.
New 2019 Minerva Monster Sighting
One of the best cases from the 1970s issued from Minerva, Ohio. Now there’s a new sighting.
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