I wish Hunter Shea, a successful cryptofiction writer, much luck in his sales.
Maned Mystery Lion On Norwalk Video

As one expert said, “Yes, it certainly does look like an African lion. It’s not a cougar.”
This is Melarkey: New Irish Monster Photographed? Or New Hoax Created?

The college student’s name game for this video appears to give away a clue that it may be a hoax.
What Does The Provo Canyon Video Really Show?
#Bigfoot? #ManInSuit? #SomethingElse?
Do these new images change your opinion?
Randy Tenley-Bigfoot Hoax Video
Watch video.
Mammoth Madness? New Developments
Is this video unraveling, with a bit of a look behind the scenes?
#Cryptozoology #Fakery #Woolly Mammoth
“Black Leopard” Video Analyzed
#AlienBigCats #BlackPanther #Mystery Cat
The video was taken near Stroud, UK.
Button Bay Bobber: New Champ Video?
Here you go. Have a look. Video.
New British Columbia Bigfoot Video
What do you think? Video.
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