In 1977, a man named John Huffer took several photos of two large birds taking flight from a tree. Although the sighting was mentioned by the Discovery Channel on their show, Into the Unknown, the birds pictured in the photos were dismissed as turkey vultures rather than Thunderbirds. This reality television appearance was linked to the sightings in Lawndale, Illinois. John Huffer, known later as Chief A. J. Huffer became a well-known advocate of giant cryptid birds. Thunderbird sightings have continued into the new millennium. On March 29, 2022, ”Chief AJ” Huffer suffered a fall. The doctors discovered a serious [...]
Almasty Researcher Marie-Jeanne Koffmann, 101, Dies
Hominologist Dr. Marie-Jeanne Koffmann was most recently named The Cryptozoologist of the Year 2020 by the International Cryptozoology Society / International Cryptozoology Museum.
Bigfoot Artist Paul A. Smith, 67, Dies
Paul Smith painted a self-portrait, May 2021. He entitled it “Farewell.”
Whitehall Bigfoot Guardian Pat Sparks Dies
Pat Sparks was the steward of the artifacts of her husband’s sighting.
Florida Cryptozoologist Scott Marlowe Dies
Crypto-Man, Scott Marlowe’s alter-ego, has left the stage.
Florida Bigfoot Researcher David Wright Dies
A long-time member of the BFRO, Wright resigned from that organization in 2012.
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