Top Cryptozoology Deaths of 2012, includes Mokele-Mbembe Expedition Sponsor by Loren Coleman, Cryptozoology A to Z In the long tradition of gathering my notes on recently deceased people, I wish to celebrate the lives of those within cryptozoology whom we lost in 2012. These are people who were touched by cryptozoology and cryptids – and by most of those reading the CryptoZooNews, even if covertly. Let us catch up and share details of those who left us last year. First up, breaking news, which delayed the publishing of this list: Paul Rockel, 85, the millionaire backer of African research on the Mokele-mbembe, [...]
Congratulations to the new Journal of Cryptozoology
The logo species is the #KingCheetah.
Please Don’t Call Cryptozoologists, Critics, Skeptics “Crazy”!
The “the challenges and sorrows of people” call forth more from us.
May 18th: Mt. St. Helens Blows, Followed By Bigfoot Removal?
A National Guardsman has come forth saying it really happened.
What do you think? Bigfoot body coverup??
Who Are These Cryptozoologists?
#AndyFinkle #Cryptoart
Guess who are these two women?
The Role of the Internet for Cryptozoologists
From footage taped in March 2008. Video.
Cryptozoology’s Future Men: Bald or Bearded?
We already are in the future. Enjoy it. Images. P.S. @paleofuture. Happy 5th anniversary.
Top Ten Cryptozoology Deaths of 2011
#Cryptozoology & #cryptid fieldworkers, #Bigfoot to #Mothman eyewitnesses, and popular culturists are remembered. Images.
Recent Cryptozoologists of the Year
#Cryptozoologists: The last four outstanding and often-unrecognized individuals who have added to the study of hidden, unknown, and new species from 2008-2011. Images.
Bugsport’s Insightful Comment on Vanity Plates
Flashbacks of the old (like the above), while Ted Bastien shares his newest. Cartoon.
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