Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

The Lord God Bird Trailer

The Voice of America has announced that a new documentary film is in production about the ivory-billed woodpecker. The title of the new documentary by George Butler is The Lord God Bird. This film’s title, of course, reflects the name of the bestseller that appeared just as the news of the new video was hitting the media – Phillip Hoose’s The Race to Save the Lord God Bird (NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004). However, Phillip has confirmed that his book is not the foundation of this documentary. The VOA’s low-key release follows: A North American bird believed to have [...]

Thoreau: Listen For New Species

I understand he wasn’t talking about “new species” in the same way that cryptozoologists do, but this thoughtful quote for the day speaks to how we have to “listen” as well as “look.” The air is full of birds, and as I go down the causeway, I distinguish the seringo note. You have only to come forth each morning to be surely advertised of each newcomer into these broad meadows. Many a larger animal might be concealed, but a cunning ear detects the arrival of each new species of bird. These birds give evidence that they prefer the fields of [...]

First Xenoglaux Seen Alive In Wild

American Bird Conservancy is reporting the first live sighting a few weeks ago of what is “considered a holy grail of South American ornithology,” Xenoglaux loweryi. Commonly called the long-whiskered owlet – alone in its own genus Xenoglaux, meaning “strange owl” – it was first discovered in 1976. Researchers have caught a few specimens in nets after dark but had not seen it in nature, until was spotted in February in a northern Peruvian rainforest. It was encountered three times during the day and its calls recorded at night in the Alto Nieva’s Peruvian reserve, known locally as the Area [...]

New Debate Over Luneau Footage

You knew it was going to happen. The debate about the ivory-billed woodpecker’s re-discovery has boiled over to the frame by frame analyses, con and pro, of the 2004 Arkansas video on a level comparable to that we’ve seen with the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot footage. In the journal BMC Biology on March 13, 2007, the latest is a discussion of the frame by frame analysis of what has become known as the Luneau video by a Scottish scientist Martin Collinson. Collinson just is not buying the fact that the ivory-billed woodpecker has been found. He thinks the video is of another [...]

Bird Extinct 139 Years Rediscovered

This old public domain painting is of Acrocephalus palustris, a species related to Acrocephalus orinus just rediscovered. A bird presumed to have been extinct for well over 100 years has been rediscovered in a pristine coastal wetland in Petchaburi, on the Gulf of Thailand. The large-billed reed warbler (Acrocephalus orinus) had not been seen since 1867, when a single bird of the species was reported in the northwest of India. – Bangkok Post, March 7, 2007. We collected two feathers from the bird for DNA tests and the result showed that it perfectly matched the DNA of the 139-year-old specimen [...]

Last Seen in 1990, Parrot Found

Night Parrot, Pezoporus occidentalis by William T Cooper from Australian Parrots. Breaking news for Monday, February 19, 2007, out of Queensland, Australia, acknowledges that a parrot thought extinct has been found. The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service says the discovery of a rare bird in outback Queensland will probably attract worldwide scientific interest. Rangers found a dead night parrot – one of Australia’s rarest birds – in the Diamantina National Park in the state’s far south-west late last year. The last reported sighting was 1990. The team of Walter Boles (Australian Museum ornithologist), Max Thompson (visiting US ornithologist), and Wayne [...]

Extinct Bird Naturalist Dies in Menehune Valley

Na Pali means “The Cliffs” in Hawaiian. The secluded green valleys of the Na Pali Coast are said once to have been home to an ancient race of little humans called Menehune (seen above in the Hawaiian Medical Association’s publication logo). The Menehune are the tiny people of the Hawaiian Islands, who are perhaps related to the Flores Hobbits, Homo floresiensis. In more recent years, the Na Pali location has become familiar to movie goers worldwide. The beautiful scenery has served as the backdrop for such movies as Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jurassic Park, and the remake of King [...]