Homo floresiensis

Hobbit News Old News

Research findings by Dr. Dean Falk confirming that Homo floresiensis is a separate species were first exclusively discussed here in May 21, 2006. We previewed for you what is being discussed in widespread media reports today. Here’s our flashback that predates the latest news by half a year. Reacting strongly to the latest round of attacks on Homo floresiensis being conducted more in the media than in reasoned reality, Peter Brown, one of the primary researchers of the new species has told Cryptomundo: "Some people see exactly what they want to see, for a variety of reasons." Distracters, the media, [...]

Where To Dig For Hobbits

What’s wrong with this drawing? (The answer is below.) Homo floresiensis, the “Hobbits” of Indonesia have been in the news again lately. This week it was announced that the dig will start up anew at the same cave where all the previous discoveries have been made on Flores. First, a flashback: How important and significant is the discovery of this species to cryptozoology? The editor of Nature, Henry Gee, in a 2004 editorial entitled “Flores, God and Cryptozoology,” wrote: The discovery that Homo floresiensis survived until so very recently, in geological terms, makes it more likely that stories of other [...]

2006: Another Hobbit Year In Images

Top Ten Creepy Fossil Finds of 2006

Top Ten Creepy Fossil Finds of 2006 by Loren Coleman, coauthor, Creatures of the Other Edge. As often happens with fossil finds, sometimes they are stored away, forgotten, rediscovered, even exhibited, but then all of a sudden, an old find experiences a grand new awareness. The fossil is significant again. Or the fossil might be a recent or actual new find gaining its fifteen minutes of popular media fame, often before the journal articles are written. Such has been the case regarding the following selections, all from extinct species (supposedly). It is a roundup of certainly a unique collection of [...]

Dzungarian Bare Knees

Why do some unknown hominoids have bare knees? Wooden representation of a Proto-Pygmy from Africa. Witness drawing of a Yowie from Australia. In 1913, Muscovite V. A. Khakhlov submitted to the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences his extraordinarily detailed report about the unknown hairy hominids of eastern Asia. In one section of the document, Khakhlov gathered reports from the native Kazakhs of Dzungaria. Dzungaria is named after a Mongolian kingdom which existed in Central Asia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Today, Dzungaria is a geographical region within the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. The area is a largely [...]

The Agogwe

I want to share an addition to the International Cryptozoology Museum, a new sculpture whose photographs are seen about this blog. It represents a depiction of the Agogwe from Tanzania (Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania), and gives me this opportunity to introduce these hominoids here. The following is my summary description of this unknown African hominoid: Agogwe The Agogwe is a downy-haired little unknown biped reported throughout east Africa. Said to have yellowish, reddish skin underneath its rust-colored hair, the Agogwe allegedly inhabits the forest of this remote region. One of the most discussed sightings occurred near the turn of [...]