#ComedyCentral #BigfootHoax #TenleyDeath
Clearly, the comedy routine was, indeed, too soon.
The Burn Takes On Randy Lee Tenley Tragedy
Finding What?
You be a Cryptomundo editor for a day!
F Minus
Published today.
Maine Sasquatch Shows Up In Doonesbury
I was surprised by what I found in the funny papers!
South Park Takes On BFRO & Cryptozoology
#BFRO #FindingBigfoot #SouthPark #Cryptozoology #ForteanFalls
Bobo was the butt of most of the jokes.
Champy’s Couchey Succumbs
#Champ #LakeChamplainMonster #Obituary #RichieRich
Famed artist and cartoonist Sid Couchey has died.
A Reflective Mood
#Cryptozoology #LorenColeman @CryptoLoren
Ten International Cryptozoology Museum Resolutions for 2012
Have yourself a great cryptic next twelve months! The ICM’s 2012 Resolutions. Cartoon.
TinTin and The Search For The Yeti
#Yeti #TinTin #AbominableSnowman #Herge
The influence and inspiration of early cryptozoologist Bernard Heuvelmans on the creator of TinTin was significant. Images.
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