
1981 Champ Conference

Were you there? Did you attend the August 1981 conference in Vermont, the first scientific seminar devoted to a study of the cryptids that have been reported lurking in the waters of Lake Champlain for the past 300 years? It sort of was the Woodstock of Champ. I was there. I wrote about the conference in Mysterious America. Here’s a sample what I saw and heard: In the morning session, Joseph Zarzynski ran down the historical background of the Champ sightings and introduced the audience of 200 people to the Sandra Mansi photograph. Projected on a wall-size screen in an [...]

“Mythic” Opens

The exhibition, “Mythic Creatures” opens at The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City on Saturday, May 26, 2007. Two good articles on the exhibition and the opening are (click on the title of each article for the link): “The Surprising Realities of Mythical Creatures,” LiveScience; “Exploring the Nature of the Unnatural,” New York Times. On some level, I was surprised to see Richard Ellis is a co-curator of the exhibition, while on another, I wasn’t. Richard has painted and illustrated various museums and books with some outstanding images of marine life, has a deep interest in [...]

Mythic Beasts

Mythic Creatures opens at The American Museum of Natural History on Saturday, May 26, 2007. I have been invited to deliver a presentation, “Introduction to Cryptozoology,” in conjuntion with this exhibition, late next fall at the AMNH. Fun for the whole family, the new exhibition Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns, and Mermaids explores the anthropological origins and cultural significance of some of the world’s most enchanting mythological characters, such as dragons, griffins, mermaids, sea serpents, and unicorns. The exhibition features art and cultural objects, fossils, and eye-popping models from a 17-foot-long dragon to the legendary sea monster, the kraken, with massive [...]