
Pawn Shop What-Is-It?

Please click on this image for a larger view of this thing. What is this? What could this be? This is a body of what Dave’s Pawn Shop claims to be a Chupacabras in a display case at the downtown El Paso, Texas shop. What do you think it might be? It does sound as if the shop has a number of gaffs, including mummified FeeJee mermaids, a supposedly shrunken head, and Pancho Villa’s alleged trigger finger. Is this one different? Is it a Chupacabras, as indicated in an article from the El Paso Times? Could this mummified body be [...]

FeeJee Mermaids & Other Gaffs

The easiest pseudocryptozoological exhibition items to have, of course, are often the gaffs and hoaxes. Among those in most cabinets of curiosities are the Feejee mermaids and the furred trouts, both taxidermy fakes. I have my share. I use them to let people know these objects are often shown as “almost real” specimens. Most honest sideshow owners displaying them often merely only ask “What is It?” or “Is it Real?” But slowly the drift has been, perhaps due to eBay, for people to present these items as cryptozoological, from “unknown animals.” For cryptozoologists, we need to be aware of this [...]

“Chupacabras”: Mystery Solved?

Over at Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, our Cryptomundo friend and C2C webmaster Lex Lonehood posted a photograph (above) from Ben Poledna, who had a story to tell. Poledna has given his permission for me to post it here, as I know a bit about the story behind the “thing” in the gentleman’s photograph. Poledna wrote: On January 27th, I attended the Ft. Worth Stock Show And Rodeo. There was an Old Man standing next to this small white tent claiming to have a real Chupacabras and admission was only $1, so I payed and went in and [...]