The fossil jaw of Panthera atrox can be seen in the left hand of the Joseph Leidy statue that stands in front of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. Have you spotted any other similar hidden treasures across America or around the globe?
Amazing Nebraska Cryptid Photo
A remarkable photographic image has been snapped on the morning of June 13, 2006, in a woman’s backyard in the Midwestern state of Nebraska. KETV-7 in Omaha broadcast the picture on June 14, and it appears to be an animal unlike any most people have seen locally. In the short dispatch, the Nebraska news staff report that: Mary Ann Carta lives near 138th and Hamilton streets, and she took some pictures of the animal that she saw. She said it could be a bobcat, but it has her scared about taking her morning walk or allowing her grandchildren to play [...]
Backstory on Bigfoot Hand
The background story to the "Hand of Bigfoot" involves Tom Biscardi’s obtaining of the hand on April 19th, 2006, in a Pocatello meeting with a self-described “true world adventurer.” Looking like a sideshow gaff, a created work, it is generating a lot of interest, not because it is proof of Bigfoot, but because it appears to be further evidence of Tom Biscardi’s Las Vegas promotional origins. The hand Biscardi has came from the longtime but only recently covertly active Sasquatch investigator Don Monroe, who some say is in his 50s, while others say, his 70s. Monroe reportedly has had this [...]
Hand of Bigfoot
Looks like a sideshow or carnival manufactured gaff to me, but this is Mr. Tom "I’ve got a captured Bigfoot" Biscardi’s "Hand of Bigfoot." See Craig’s posting here on Cryptomundo for more details. What do you think? ++++++++++++++++++ For an update, click on the "Backstory on the Bigfoot Hand."
Cass County Bigfoot
Today, media began carrying reports that Bob Olson, a Cass County grater operator has found Bigfoot tracks near Deer River, Minnesota, and NBC-TV 4 local news did a good segment on his find. Olson first heard about the tracks from his granddaughter, relocated them and made casts of two of the 15-inch prints, which make the 6-foot-5-inch tall man’s size-14 feet look small. A report in the Herald-Review of Grand Rapids gave more details. The site is remote and near Six Mile Lake Road in eastern Cass County (just west of Ball Club). Carloads are coming to view the large, [...]
Crikey! Thylacine Update
Australian cryptozoologist Debbie Hynes has sent along the following update to be shared with you: There have been a lot of sightings down there. There are two thylacine "hot-spots" in Victoria. One is the Portland area – as far inland as Ozenkadnook and west as far as the Koorong, a coastal national park in South Australia, next door to Victoria. The other is he so-called Foster-Wilson’s Promontory-Wonthaggi "Triangle". The animal (thylacine?) is part of local legend, being known as the "Wonthaggi Monster", and the small country town of Foster even has a billboard on its outskirts boasting of "Coming Attractions". [...]
Bates Opens Cryptozoology Exhibition
The International Cryptozoology Museum (ICM) is sharing its contents through the end of 2006. Over 100 of some of the most significant large and small items from the ICM’s collection are included in my specific room at the new Bates College exhibition, “Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale.” Then, in October, the objects from that gathering and the other artists’ collections move to Kansas City. The entire traveling exhibition will be there through January 2007. Some of the items from the International Cryptozoology Museum’s collection, contained in my installation at Bates, probably will include: – 8 ft-tall, 500 pound “Crookston [...]
Thylacine Sightings Near Portland
There is a Portland on the other side of the world from mine in Maine that is experiencing a series of Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger sightings. As reported in the Australian media today, Portland, Victoria, Australia, has been the site of at least four sightings in the last three months. Reporter Sarah Scopelianos writes: The last sighting was in early May by a Portland resident, Anthony Ersello, who said yesterday he saw the strange dog-like animal sitting in the middle of the Princes Highway on the outskirts of town near the Shell service station. "I’d been walking home from a [...]
New Skunk Ape Sighting
There’s been a new Green Swamp (“Skunk Ape”) sighting. We have permission of Scott Marlowe to pass this along to Cryptomundo readers. Here’s the details, uncensored: This record was first created on 6/9/2006 Month = 5 Day = 27 Year = 2006 Season = Spring Region = 5 City = Lakeland County = Polk FIPS = 12015 Zip Code = 33803 Longitude = Latitude = Source = Direct Type = Terrestrial Cryptid = Swamp Ape Sighting Summary = Pangea Institute field group watched and was paced by a Swamp Ape seen by team members Narrative = The team had gone [...]
Malaysian Update
The story out of Malaysia today is pegged as an update, but there’s not much news in it. Bigfoot: Johor to verify new info New Straits Times 12 Jun 2006 By R. Sittamparam ———————————————————————— JOHOR BARU: Queries about the Johor Bigfoot continue to pour in from all over the world, with many Malaysians claiming to have seen the creature. State Tourism and Environment Committee chairman Freddie Long said the State Government’s Bigfoot Steering Committee had recently received some new information. “However, we have to conduct more studies and get scientists to verify the information collected so far,” he said. “A [...]
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