Mike’s first encounter was in December 1981 while in North Louisiana.
Maine Monster: 1855
“If I see or hear anything further of this monstrous animal, I will let you know.”
This is Melarkey: New Irish Monster Photographed? Or New Hoax Created?
The college student’s name game for this video appears to give away a clue that it may be a hoax.
A Mysterious Monster
Bear traps have been planted.
Rock Lake Monster
Reports from the 19th century are intriguing.
Florida’s Invisible Monster
Some locals thought I was making up the story.
Some merchants felt I was making up the story. Images.
Utah’s Flying Prehistoric Monster
This monster, for it can be called nothing else, has lately, it is said,
been seen by several persons.
Monclova Monster: 2010
The entity was described as a little man with smooth, grey skin and four legs or lower extremities, during April 2010. Image.
19th Century’s Vermillon Beast
What was this giant “River Serpent”?
Japan’s Yeti: Hibagon
The “Japanese Bigfoot” is commonly referred to as the Hibagon, said to lurk in the forests of Mt. Hiba in Northern Hiroshima, from which it gains its namesake, as well as its surrounding areas. Many images.
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