The hunt for hairy, unknown hominoids has had some pivotal moments.
Historical Bigfoot Researcher Dies

The Bigfoot World is in shock and mourning with the news spreading that the gentle giant Scott McClean, 50, passed away on Wednesday, January 30, 2013, due to cancer. Scott was a generous man, who freely shared what he discovered due to his remarkable searching of often forgotten news archives for old articles about sightings of hairy upright forest creatures. Scott McClean, a southern California resident, was known for his extensive compilations of historic newspaper articles, many of which appeared to be Sasquatch observations. His Big News Prints and Strange Howls collections of early American stories were available [...]
More on Outer Edge Creatures
Some have even written that “Clark and Coleman” set off the psychosocial zooform movement that still survives in the UK today, with our books and writings of such things as tulpas, way back in the 1970s.
Man or Beast
It had the face of a man and hair of a beast.
Cryptozoologist of 2011: Mark Murphy
#CryptozoologistOfTheYear #Yeti #AbominableSnowmen #Cryptozoology
The archivist said he could not believe his eyes when he discovered the long-ignored papers. Images.
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