
Mothman Death List Photo

Anyone from Ohio or West Virginia? I’m looking for a Mothman death list photo. Mothman image, copyright 2002, created by cryptozoology illustrator William Rebsamen for Mothman and Other Curious Encounters In the Charleston Daily Mail of March 20, 2006, in “Mothman has his own museum,” reporter Samantha L. Thomas, discussing the collection in Point Pleasant, mentions: One attention grabber is the “death list” displayed prominently in the middle of the museum. It draws connections between the sudden or strange deaths of those associated in some way with the Mothman legend. I wonder, does anyone have a photograph of this display, [...]

Talking to Brad Steiger

In Brad and Sherry Steiger’s new book, Conspiracies And Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier, you won’t expect to find anything about cryptozoology and you don’t. But there, in the midst of the death lists of the eyewitnesses to the JFK assassination and the strange demise of microbiologists, I ran across my “Mothman Death List.” In an extremely well-researched, inexpensive, 539-page reference work, which I highly recommend, of course I was struck by seeing my research on this subject in Conspiracies And Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier. Sure, maybe the Steigers should have decided to take on the CIA work done [...]

The Night Stalker Has Died

The Night Stalker is dead. Darren McGavin died at the age of 83, early on Saturday, February 25, 2006, in California. Kolchak: The Night Stalker, starring Darren McGavin in the lead role, in two television movies and in one of the shortest but most memorable television series (1974-1975), had frequent creature themes. It is often discussed with affection by cryptofiction fans. McGavin in the 1970s as "Carl Kolchak" As the Internet Movie Database notes: "Carl Kolchak was a reporter for Chicago’s Independent News Service, and a trouble magnet for situations involving the supernatural. Kolchak turned his investigative skills to vampires, [...]