Men in Cryptozoology

Africa’s Art Deco Dino: Njago Gunda

Syracuse Herald, May 15, 1921 In 1920, the Smithsonian Institution sent a 32-person expedition to Africa, which found unexplained tracks along the riverbank and heard mysterious “roars.” See the “Dinosauria” chapter of my field guide for more details. One hundred years ago, people would grab their weekend newspapers and hurry to find the Sunday supplements. There they might discover new adventures of explorers in deepest darkest Africa, follow the treks of famed safari leaders, and learn of new animals being found in the jungles. Take a moment today, reach back to that feeling, understand the world is not fully explored, [...]

Men of Cryptozoology: Scott Norman

Mokele-mbembe art courtesy of Bill Rebsamen. Click on image for a larger view. Scott T. Norman recently journeyed from California to the East Coast of the USA. He attended the Mass Monster Mash on October 13, and on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Patterson-Gimlin Film, happened to visit me, along with five members of his family, at the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine. Scott is a cryptozoologist who has taken his passion for dinosaurs, Mokele-mbembe, and prehistoric cryptids, all the way to Africa. He definitely ranks as one of the Men of Cryptozoology. Let’s meet him [...]

Juan Antonio Cebrián, En Español

(For more, in English, on Juan Antonio Cebrián, 41, who died of a sudden heart attack on the evening of October 20, 2007, please click here.) Below is footage of Juan Antonio Cebrián, en español: Un día levantas la vista y han pasado diez años. Esto lo han sentido Juan Antonio Cebrián y su equipo que un día, hace una década iniciaron la aventura radiofónica de la Rosa de los Vientos. 1.500 ediciones de un programa en el que la Historia ha sido uno de sus baluartes. Para darle forma a este homenaje, se reeditan los míticos Pasajes de la [...]

“Spanish Art Bell” Dies Suddenly

Juan Antonio Cebrián, on the left. I heard the news today, oh boy.– The Beatles One of Spain’s most famous radio commentators and program hosts in the realm of the unexplained has passed away suddenly. Juan Antonio Cebrián, only 41 years of age, has died of a sudden heart attack on the evening of October 20, 2007. The report was issued by the radio station where he was working, Onda Cero, at 1:00 a.m., Sunday, 21 October 2007. News of this shocking, sudden loss reverberates throughout Spain’s forteana/cryptozoo/paranormal/ufology community, according to Scott Corrales, director of Inexplicata. Cebrián, who may be [...]