
Reminder: MQ on Mystery Bears

The promise is that the mystery of MacFarlane’s bear will be solved tonight.

Scimitar Felid Found In SA Tar Pit

Also found were giant ground sloths, glyptodons, horses, llamas, crocodiles, ducks, herons, and the rhino-like Mixotoxodon. Many images.

“The asphalt-preserved animals could rival those of Rancho La Brea,” said Christopher Shaw, collections manager at Los Angeles’s George C. Page Museum, which handles the La Brea collection.

Kiwi Moose 2008

For years the New Zealand media has reported claims that Canadian moose may still roam the remote rain forests in the extreme southwest tip of the country. In 1910, ten moose were brought over from Saskatchewan in the hopes of establishing a population of game for sportsman in New Zealand, a country without indigenous land mammals of its own. However, the last official sighting — and shooting — of a New Zealand moose was in 1952. Outside of a few alleged sightings in the 1970s and the discovery of some curious droppings, no one has actually seen the mysterious creatures, [...]

1888: Mastodon Sightings

Grey River [New Zealand] Argus, February 17, 1888 A LIVE MASTODON. THE LATEST WONDER OF THE ALASKA FAUNA. The Juneau (Alaska) Free Press says that the Stick Indians, near the headwaters of the White river, positively assert that within the last five years an animal has been seen by them which, according to description, must be a mastodon. One of the Indians said that while hunting he came across an immense track sunk several inches in the moss and larger around than a barrel. The Indian followed up the curious trail, and at last came in full view of his [...]

New At The Museum

All the donations to the museum are not fiscal. Here is a sampling of some recent acquisitions contributed to the International Cryptozoology Museum. Jeff H. Johnson-painted new Thylacine model. The Teslin, Yukon, “Sasquatch” hair samples from Dr. David Coltman, University of Alberta. Coltman published the scientific paper discussing how the sample turned out to be bison hair. A large display replica of a mammoth. A new original oil painting of Yeti by artist Alex Evans. Thanks to the donors! ======= Please join 150 others who have supported the museum with your donation today. Know you may directly send a check, [...]

Kids & Cryptozoology: Alberta Style

I enjoy leading workshops with children, of course, because future cryptozoologists are out there. Recently, in Alberta, some kids got to attend a “dragons day camp.” While there, I spoke to them about cryptozoology on a Monday. Here I am, looking as if a wood bison is about ready to charge me. What’s so incredible about having so many taxidermy-available wood bison in one place is that the Royal Alberta Museum even has one in their children’s classroom. I was honored to be able to write “Cryptozoology” on the work board, as a wood bison graced the same space. Here’s [...]

Secrets of Room N008

You remember the scene from the end of the first Indiana Jones movie? Recall the endless rows of boxes in storage in that secret warehouse? Of course, the reality is that most large museums around the world actually do have such storage areas. The “outfront” exhibits at most museums are impressive. But, for example, I was reminded quickly in Alberta, once again, that less than 10% of the holdings of a museum are what the public sees. The Columbian mammoth is on exhibit in Alberta with other Pleistocene mammals. When I visited the Royal Alberta Museum, the director of Communications, [...]