Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America Here’s a new quiz that goes to the depths of your knowledge on Sasquatch and Bigfoot research. I’m joking, of course, for it is only ten questions long, but it is a good survey of some high points of your awareness of the field. It is more difficult than the previous quiz: Quiz – All About Hairy The same comment guidelines apply, as with the CZ IQ quiz. Please don’t ruin the intrigue and fun for people coming after you, even months from now. So, simple rules: You post any answers, proper [...]
What’s Your CZ IQ?
Can you identify this mystery fish found on an old postcard? (Click on this image shared by Phyllis Mancz to see full size version.) I know, I know. The above photo is still a mystery, but how about some easier questions? What’s your Cryptozoology IQ? Okay, a couple questions are about aliens, but, overall, this is a good quick automated quiz to see how you rate. Take the short quiz on the site here. How did you do? (BTW, I will delete your comment if you give away any answers. That is just no fun for anyone else coming [...]
More Fossil News: Orthrozanclus reburrus
This is the reconstruction of Orthrozanclus reburrus, a previously unknown new species, as drawn by Marianne Collins. The precise arrangement of the anteriormost region remains somewhat conjectural. (Credit: Copyright AAAS-Science, 2007 / published in Science article co-authored by Dr. Jean-Bernard Caron, ROM Associate Curator, Invertebrate Palaeontology, Department of Natural History.) For more, see: Newly Identified Species Of Spiny Snail-like Creature, 505 Million Year Old, Described
New Fossil Find: Yanoconodon
What was drinking from that creek bed in the neighborhood? This artist’s representation shows Yanoconodon allini, a 125-million-year-old mammal fossil found in China. The five inch long mammal is important for its significance in the origins of the inner ear. (Credit: Nicolle Rager Fuller, National Science Foundation) For more, see: Paleontologists Discover New Mammal From Mesozoic Era. This fossil’s importance to cryptozoology is nil, but it does demonstrate the Chinese are hard at work discovering more fossils. Let’s hope they come up with a complete fossil subcranial skeleton of Gigantopithecus soon!
Earliest Dino-Era Primate Discovered
Composite (left) and reconstructed (right) skeletons of Dryomomys szalayi, the oldest known ancestor of primates. (Credit: Bloch, et al./ PNAS) In the way of new fossil news, comes a press release from Yale, via Science Daily, discussing the origins of primates in Wyoming during the age of the dinosaurs. Well, that’s not exactly what it says, but I am merely trying to prepare you for how the media might characterize this paleontological discovery. What’s more important, perhaps, is the realization that the relationships within primates is being rewritten with every new discovery. So, for example, the new hominoid fossils that [...]
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