
See The Jersey Devil Here!

Come on in! See the Jersey Devil. Step right up. Get your tickets here. Look inside and see the actual Jersey Devil. Actually visible below, for real… In circus, sideshow, and carnival jargon, the gaff is the gimmicked item, the taxidermy fake, the rigged prop often used by the illusionists, the sideshow artists, the showmen to turn the tip, that is, get the audience, to enter the sideshow, tent, attraction, freakshow, exhibition. The Jersey Devil and the gaff go hand-in-hand. Take what happened…a hundred years ago. In 1906 huckster Norman Jefferies, publicity manager for C.A. Brandenburgh’s Arch Street Museum in [...]

Jersey Devil and Ivan T. Sanderson

One January night in 1909, E. P. Weeden of the Trenton, New Jersey City Council bolted upright in bed when he heard someone trying to break down his door. It was a most unusual “someone,” apparently, because Weeden also heard distinctly the sound of flapping wings. Councilman Weeden rushed to his second-floor window and looked outside. He did not see the intruder, but the sight that greeted his eyes chilled him far more than the icy temperature ever could: In the snow on the roof of his house something had left a line of tracks. And whatever that “something” was, [...]

Mothman Death List Photo

Anyone from Ohio or West Virginia? I’m looking for a Mothman death list photo. Mothman image, copyright 2002, created by cryptozoology illustrator William Rebsamen for Mothman and Other Curious Encounters In the Charleston Daily Mail of March 20, 2006, in “Mothman has his own museum,” reporter Samantha L. Thomas, discussing the collection in Point Pleasant, mentions: One attention grabber is the “death list” displayed prominently in the middle of the museum. It draws connections between the sudden or strange deaths of those associated in some way with the Mothman legend. I wonder, does anyone have a photograph of this display, [...]