Pat Sparks was the steward of the artifacts of her husband’s sighting.
Paul Gosselin, 57, Abair Road Bigfoot Eyewitness Dies
Paul Gosselin was the main Bigfoot eyewitness for the Abair Road incident.
Retro-Explaining: Dead Connecticut Cougar Said To Have Been In New York…As Well As Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota And South Dakota!
New findings reported today link two recent incidents and many others. Images.
Early Maned Mystery Cat Case?
This is an old New York State incident.
Exploring Mysterious America: Where Should I Go?
Tell me what back roads to take. And what I should stop and see. Images.
Lady in the Water Actor & Novelist Visit Cryptozoology Museum
From Manhattan to Portland, it is a small world, after all. Would you like to see more?? Images.
Tallman Mountain’s Black Panthers
As reported here previously, sightings have also been reported in Palisades.
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