Thirty-six years after the term was coined, a foundation word in cryptozoology has reached a milestone.
Cryptoelfies: Selfies of You and a Cryptid

The ultimate cryptoelfie, of course, is to take a photo of yourself with an actual cryptid in the field.
Hale Mystery Animal
#MysteryAnimal #UK #Cryptid
What is it?
What Is Namibia’s White Mystery Beast?
#Cryptozoology #Skepticism What has been terrorizing villagers?
Tsunami Cryptid?
Do you see a Sea Serpent in this video?
East Okoboji Sea Serpent?
When it comes down to it, what did these people really see?
Revisiting “Cryptid”
One way to keep cryptozoology a living science is to revisit the terms and jargon used within the field.
Normandy Nessie
Normandy is not just a location famed for its role in the D-Day invasion of Europe in World War II. It now is also associated with a new cryptid report. Photographic evidence of the creature has been obtained. Images.
“Ogopogo Photos” Update
Sean Viloria responses. Another photo is released. My thoughts on what is shown. Images.
Most Famous Celebrity Cryptozoology Event Ever!
With the recent attention that an actress has brought to Nessie, it seems only fair to revisit the most famous celebrity cryptozoology sighting of all time. Isn’t there just one incident that should be erected to the position of most significant? Images. Video.
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