Women in Cryptozoology

Debbie Martyr Rediscovers Extinct Muntjac

Well-known as an Orang-Pendek researcher, Martyr has taken amazing photographs of a barking deer not seen since 1930. Images.

Stronsay Beast: 200 Year Update Promised

Geneticist Dr. Yvonne Simpson has researched the marine cryptid and will reveal her latest discoveries at the Orkney International Science Festival. Images.

Colloque Européen de Cryptozoologie

An exciting cryptozoological conference is taking place in Europe in September. There will be rare appearance from Russia by Dr. Marie-Jeanne Koffmann and M. Michael Trachtengerts. Details are to be found in French and some English below. Bonsoir à tous, Il est grand temps de remplir vos bulletins d’inscription au colloque : la date limite arrive à grands pas !!! Comme je l’ai dit, pourquoi ne pas venir en groupe pour diminuer les frais de voyage. Si vous en faite la demande une fois que vous serez inscrits, je vous mettrai en contact avec les gens qui viennent de votre [...]

Kids & Cryptozoology: Alberta Style

I enjoy leading workshops with children, of course, because future cryptozoologists are out there. Recently, in Alberta, some kids got to attend a “dragons day camp.” While there, I spoke to them about cryptozoology on a Monday. Here I am, looking as if a wood bison is about ready to charge me. What’s so incredible about having so many taxidermy-available wood bison in one place is that the Royal Alberta Museum even has one in their children’s classroom. I was honored to be able to write “Cryptozoology” on the work board, as a wood bison graced the same space. Here’s [...]