
Gordon Holmes’ Nessie Footage: No Watermark

Cryptomundo reader goochcamper has reposted the footage with no watermark. Does this allow you, the Cryptomundo reader, to view it and make out the details now unobstructed?

Best Nessie Footage Yet?

Can you see bumps on the head? A new enhancement of the Gordon Holmes Nessie video, appears to show closeups of the “neck” and “head” popping up out of the water, thanks to Bill Appleton. Major news organizations are demonstrating thoughtful interest in this cryptid footage.

Radio-Controlled Nessie Video

The Gordon Holmes footage newly taken at Loch Ness, which you can view the stablized version here, should have us looking with caution at the footage of an already existing radio-controlled Nessie. Recognize the above image? Is this one of the two photographs of the original “Surgeon’s Photograph” from 1934? Or is it something else? Since 2005, the year when the Japanese toy company Takara introduced their radio-controlled Nessie, we all have to be careful and questioning when looking at new loch and lake videos of cryptids. Here are some photos of the model, in two different color versions, with [...]

Update: Nessie Video Posted

Below the image from the video is the news report containing the videotape by Gordon Holmes of the unknown in Loch Ness.

Mystery Fish Postcard Solved? Megamouth?

Could the solution of the mystery fish photograph on an antique postcard (first noted at Cryptomundo on November 29, 2005) be at hand? Could this postcard reveal evidence of a beached megamouth shark decades before the species was officially verified? (Click on image to see full size version the Mystery Fish Photo postcard, enhanced by shockbeton) Mystery Fish head, click to enlarge. Does the head of the megamouth look similar to that of the Mystery Fish’s head from the old postcard? The above photograph (and the one below) of this 2004 megamouth are courtesy of Ton & Marjan of the [...]

Bigger Than Hogzilla!

The story goes, the animal is one very big wild boar shot in Alabama. As Mark Frauenfelder said over at Boing Boing, “It’s an AP story, so I am guessing this astonishing photo is legit.” Jamison Stone, 11 years old, shot the wild boar that weighed in at a “staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail.” The boy was hunting with his father Mike Stone in east Alabama on May 3, 2007, when he killed Hogzilla II, with a .50- caliber revolver. They chased it for three hours before [...]

Update: Woolfie Versus Maine Mystery Beast

As an update to this morning’s posting of “Maddening Mystery of Maine Mutant Muddled”, here is the photograph of the proposed candidate, “Woolfie,” followed by ones of the Turner carcass, when first found. The above photograph is of Woolfie (courtesy of Mark LaFlamme). The bottom three are of the “Maine Mystery Beast” (courtesy of Michelle O’Donnell). Click on image for full-size version Please click on image for full-size version Click on image for full-size version What do you think? Do they match?

Maddening Mystery of Maine Mutant Muddled

The dead dog near the road was photographed by Michelle O’Donnell, Turner, Maine, August 2006. Click on the image to make it bigger. The Maine Mystery Beast is back. Well, at least, the animal discovered next to Route 4, which was incorrectly labeled as the killer of livestock and pets, is. Mark LaFlamme called yesterday, and interviewed me about the claims of a Florida woman that the dog probably killed by a vehicle barreling down Route 4 was her’s. Anything is possible, but the problem with this whole new sidebar to last summer’s sensational story rests in the matter of [...]

Update: Mystery Is Beached

In the earlier posting on the “Giant Mystery Turtle Photos”, I hinted at the possible answer to this. Comment makers came through with the final proof. Please compare these first two photos of the supposed “Giant Mystery Turtle” to the one at the bottom: The “mystery photos” appear to reflect very favorably to the following image of a humpback whale in the initial stages of decomposition: Jodzilla’s original photo source is here (3rd image down): Big Sur Chamber of Commerce Humpback Whale Watching in Big Sur California Caption: Park Ranger Linda Rath standing next to dead, beached Humpback whale. [...]