
Big Birds Bite Back

Our blog about the Peoria Journal-Star’s lapse in memory regarding Illinois’ 1977 Thunderbirds appears to have had an impact. The newswoman, Brenda Story “received numerous comments about [her] Nov. 28 column.” Many of these were eyewitness accounts, and others seem to be educational feedback on cryptid big birds. One email she published was from Mark A. Hall. Ms. Story ended her column with this: “I received many more e-mails and letters about big birds, but space does not allow me to print them all.” On behalf of, thank you all for giving her your feedback, even if unpublishable, on [...]

Mystery Fish Head Closeup

Due to several requests for a closeup of the head of the mystery cryptid on the postcard, here’s a computer enhancement. What do you see here? (Click image for full-size version) (Click image for full-size version, provided by Todd DiLaMuca) (Click image for full-size version, provided by Todd DiLaMuca)

New Animal Discovered in Borneo

What do you think this looks like? There is exciting news out of Borneo. A new red-furred animal larger than a domestic cat has reportedly been discovered on this remote island of Indonesia. On December 5, 2005, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) announced that they have discovered the “first new carnivore to be found in the region since the Tonkin otter-civet emerged in Vietnam in 1930.” Also, the WWF said it would be the first new mammal to be specifically found on the island of Borneo since the Borneo ferret-badger in 1895. The new carnivore was found in [...]

Mystery Fish Comparison

So many people have taken the time to enhance, redefine, and otherwise point out items they are finding and seeing on the “Name the Mystery Fish” postcard that we have decided to post one of those here, in this one blog, moving it from the comments’ sections. What are you seeing in this? Todd DiLaMuca’s photo mash-up (Click on image to view full-size)

Woodpecker Highlights New Species

Highland Park native Scott Simon is one of the heroes behind the effort to save the ivory-billed woodpecker. A revealing profile demonstrates other species are being discovered too. "A boy who played in Highland Park’s ravines now co-directs The Nature Conservancy of Arkansas efforts to save a species once thought to be extinct," writes reporter Kenneth Patchen in the Highland Park News. At a presentation mid-week at Chicago’s Field Museum, Scott D. Simon, 38, and his associates noted the progress taking place with their ivory-billed woodpecker conservation work. Simon added: "This year we found three species that were not previously [...]