
Death Worm News

The Centre for Fortean Zoology’s May 2005 expedition to Mongolia is summarized in an article today. The CFZ’s cryptozoologists reportedly discovered two animals previously unknown to science – a dragon-like lizard and a two-meter-long horned snake, although information on where the formal publication of these finding occurred is lacking. Information on the old holiday package-expedition, new year’s plans, and CFZ is discussed in the article and it’s links to the CFZ and

“Big” Ohio Cat?

Another “big” (?) black cat sighting has occurred in Ohio, this time with video being produced. Channel 10-TV, WBNS in Columbus, Ohio has the footage at their website. Rufus Hurst of Granville took the videotape of the black felid form in a forest-like setting. What do you think it looks like? The captured image appears to show a black domestic cat, at least in my first scan. But we aren’t going to reproduce an image from the videotape here for copyright reasons. Look at it quickly. Photos like this disappear quickly from the internet.

Big Birds Bite Back

Our blog about the Peoria Journal-Star’s lapse in memory regarding Illinois’ 1977 Thunderbirds appears to have had an impact. The newswoman, Brenda Story “received numerous comments about [her] Nov. 28 column.” Many of these were eyewitness accounts, and others seem to be educational feedback on cryptid big birds. One email she published was from Mark A. Hall. Ms. Story ended her column with this: “I received many more e-mails and letters about big birds, but space does not allow me to print them all.” On behalf of, thank you all for giving her your feedback, even if unpublishable, on [...]

Name the Mystery Fish Continued…

The Mystery Continues: Strange Fish Remains Unidentified Over 25,000 visits to the "Name the Mystery Fish" Cryptomundo blog produced some interesting leads, a dating for the postcard, and much speculation on what the unknown fish species might be. But the mystery continues… Yesterday’s blog "Name the Mystery Fish" received an enormous amount of interest and generated the largest number of comments seen here yet. It continues to stimulate speculation across the Internet. The case remains open as to when, where, and what kind of fish is pictured. The identification of this specimen is still unsolved and your further comments are [...]

Name the Mystery Fish

Can you identify this mystery fish found on an old postcard? (Click on image to see full size version) Is there a Cryptomundo reader out there that can help? The men in the picture look like military servicemen. The surroundings look like this photograph was taken on a beach or island. The fish appears to be about six feet long (notice the yard or meter stick lying next to it). But where are the fins on this cryptid (or even a tail)? What is it? Send in a comment if you know what this cryptid fish might be. Added note: [...]

Strange New Species

New Children’s CryptoZoo Book News Cryptozoology books are not as rare as they use to be, but new ones for young people are rather sparse. However, a good one that has recently appeared is Strange New Species: Astonishing Discoveries of Life on Earth, by Elin Kelsey, (from Maple Tree, 96 pages, $19.95, ages 9 to 14), with a forward by Marc van Roosmalen. As a review in the Globe and Mail on November 20th summarizes, in part, the new discoveries of animals, thusly: “Astonishing is the right word, especially when you consider just the findings of Marc van Roosmalen, a [...]