Could it be the laziness of the media? Or publicists who wish to get a little press when David Attenborough has a possible new series? Or is it Attenborough recycling his old Yeti lines? Whatever the reasons, it’s time to call foul to Attenborough’s “new” 2014 interest in Yetis or Abominable Snowmen.
Perhaps there was another reason. Perhaps someone wanted to remind people which Attenborough had died. Some blogs made the mistake of announcing the wrong sibling, for sadly, David Attenborough’s older brother recently died. See “Jurassic Park’s John Hammond, Richard Attenborough, 90, Dies.” That was tragic news. But there is no reason for the recycling of this Abominable Snowmen fascination, is there?
David Attenborough has been proclaiming his “belief” in the Yeti – according to news articles – for years.
Let’s review.
During 2014:
Although the naturalist isn’t “necessarily” sure he believes in itsexistence, hunting down the Yeti is still on his to-do list.“I mean I wouldn’t mind finding the Abominable Snowman for a start,” hesaid.“There is still a mystery about the Abominable Snowman. There are teeththat were found back in the 1920s, huge molar teeth about six times thesize of ours, immense things, they were found in a Chinese druggists storeand undoubtedly are the teeth of a giant ape that must have livedrelatively recently itself and that could have been the AbominableSnowman.”The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is rumoured to live in the Himalayan regionof Nepal and Tibet. Stories of the creature first emerged in the 19thCentury, but scientists have written of the mammal as a myth in theabsence of sufficient evidence.However, Attenborough says the mystery surrounding the Yeti is exactlywhat draws him to finding the creature.“I don’t say I necessarily believe in it, I’m saying that there isevidence and of course one of the very difficult things ever to do isprove a negative, to prove that it doesn’t exist,” he said at the launchof UKTV’s new season of programmes. Source.
There is still one mysterious beast [David Attenborough] is keen to find.Attenborough, brother of revered actor Richard Attenborough, who died lastmonth (Aug14), says, “I wouldn’t mind finding the Abominable Snowman. Idon’t say I necessarily believe in it. I’m saying that there is evidence.A set of huge teeth from a giant ape were found in the 1920s.”The Yeti is believed to be a massive ape-like creature inhabiting theHimalayan mountains in Nepal. Source.
In 2013,
David Attenborough believes thatthe Yeti – or Abominable Snowman – may be real.The world-renowned naturalist and broadcaster says he thinks the creatureof Himalayan legend – which has a North American cousin known as Bigfootor Sasquatch – could be much more than a myth.“I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real. I think there may besomething in that,” said Attenborough, speaking today at a showcase ofupcoming programmes on UKTV.“There are footprints that stretch for hundreds of miles and we know thatin the 1930’s a German fossil was found with these huge molars that werefour or five times the size of human molars.“They had to be the molars of a large ape, one that was huge, about 10 or12 feet tall. It was immense. And it is not impossible that it mightexist. If you have walked the Himalayasthere are these immense rhododrendron forests that go on for hundreds ofsquare miles which could hold the Yeti.”Attenborough, who was addressing an audience at the Saatchi Gallery topromote a second series of Natural Curiosities on the Eden channel,explained why the existence of the beast had not been proven up until now:“If there are some still alive and you walked near their habitat you canbet that these creatures may be aware of you, but you wouldn’t be aware ofthem.”
At a 2013 UKTV Showcase event Sir David Attenborough admitted that he
thought “there might be something in the abominable snowman mystery.” Source.
In 2011,
David Attenborough’s Life Stories – Series 2 – 11 were broadcast on “Monsters.” Source.
In 2009,
Sir David Attenborough said…he believes there is “very
convincing” evidence Yetis exist. Source.

Sir David Attenborough believes there is ‘very convincing’ evidence thatyetis exist.Speaking on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, the revered wildlife expertsaid: ‘I’m baffled by the Abominable Snowman – very convincing footprintshave been found at 19,000ft.‘No-one does that for a joke. I think it’s unanswered.’The yeti is an ape-like creature said to inhabit the Himalayan region ofNepal and Tibet.A photograph of a mysterious footprint, rumoured to be that of the yetiwas taken in the Menlung Basin in the Himalayas in 1951.A team of mountaineers travelled to the region on a reconnaissance missionbefore attempting to conquer Everest for the first time, a feat achievedtwo years later.Eric Shipton recorded the footprint, and Tom Bourdillon, passing on theevidence to his friend Michael Davies, wrote: ‘Dear Mick, Here are thefootprint photos: sorry for the delay. We came across them on a high passon the Nepal-Tibet watershed during the 1951 Everest expedition.‘They seemed to have come over a secondary pass at about 19,500 ft, downto 19,000 ft where we first saw them, and then went on down the glacier.’In 1954, the Daily Mail reported the discovery of hair specimens from whatwas said to be the scalp of a yeti….Alleged sightings and debate has continued through the decades – but sofar no-one has been able to produce a clear, definitive photograph of theworld’s most elusive being.Tibetan folklore has it that the yeti is nocturnal, whistles, and can killwith a single punch.Investigators believe that at least two types of yeti exist: the Dzu-teh(‘big thing’), which is 7ft-8ft tall, and the Met-teh, which is 5ft-6ft. Source.
See also “Sir David Attenborough and the Yeti.”
In 2008:
David Attenborough said he believes in the existence of Yetis. Source (broken link now).
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