Yes, there’s a Yeti there, someplace.
The Yeti has arrived. The Škoda Yeti, that is.
The first preview models came out almost a half-decade ago, from the Czech Republic.
People have never tired of talking about that mythical creature who, with his white fur coat and sharp teeth, lives high up in icy mountains. Although they have never met him, people still speak with great conviction of their encounter with that peaceful inhabitant of the dizzying heights, who is said to have shown many a lost soul the route from the regions of eternal ice to the safety of the valley below. At Škoda Auto we are celebrating a new member of our model range, which has been given the name of that helpful snowman: The Škoda Yeti is launched. The choice of name truly has a deeper significance. The Škoda Yeti is strong, geared to move under difficult conditions and help its passengers along where others give up. But it has the edge on the original Yeti: Unlike him, it is also happy in warmer areas, finding its way not just in difficult terrain and off road, but with equal confidence and assurance on the road.
Škoda Auto release
Well, the Yeti aren’t necessarily white and they don’t “live” in the icy mountains, but we understand Škoda Auto’s popular cultural framework, don’t we?
Obviously, a good marketing director should have already given me a leased one of these for endorsement purposes by now. What’s up with this major oversight?
Here are images of the new Škoda Yeti:
Some previous ways that this pre-release vehicle has been presented are below.
For more info on this new car model, see here.
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