3 Responses

  1. Loren Coleman
    Loren Coleman September 5, 2006 at 10:56 am |

    Ha ha, Capt. Jack, with all due respect, how angry would you be if we “did not” report on this and the guy turns out to be legit? Or you have to read about it someplace else a week from now?

    It seems like since over 100 comments have showed up on this one story there is a level of interest and curiosity to get to the bottom of this story.

    With all due respect…”giving this story so much press”? Oh really? ….it’s only been mentioned in two blogs…it is the comments that drive interest here as much as what we might find interesting.

  2. fredfacker
    fredfacker September 5, 2006 at 5:10 pm |

    He’s spun a nice YARweN anyway.

  3. Finback
    Finback September 5, 2006 at 9:03 pm |

    “As mentioned in my initial posting, “Yarwen” is used in rare cases in conjunction with banter in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. There also may be a link to the popular World Of Warcraft online game.”

    Um, I’m curious as to what source that’s from. I’m unfamiliar with any creature named “Yarwen” from either the Warcraft series or from DnD. Can anyone there cite a reference from one of the sourcebooks for this?

    From what I’ve seen online, the closest match is maybe someone’s *character* named Yarwen in a DnD game, but in no way is that the same thing as a creature from any game system.

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