Morris’ son, repeated to the media, the unproven claim.
New Evidence in Patterson-Gimlin Footage: Pro and Con Arguments
#Bigfoot #Data #Evidence
Today the Patterson-Gimlin Film Turns 45
#Bigfoot #EXISTS
The evidence, I find, is compelling for a population of hairy, unknown primates in the Pacific Northwest.
The Hoaxing of Hoax Claims
People falsely claim certain #cryptozoology evidence has “definitely been proven” to be #hoaxes, to this day.
Bigfooters Speak Out About Biased Enhancements Of Titmus Tributes

Quietly, in Sasquatch studies, something rather sinister has been taking place.
What really happened at Bluff Creek?
#Bigfoot #Sasquatch #FilmEvidence.
Just what? And why not more?
Taking A New Look: Patterson-Gimlin Footage At 44
#Bigfoot #cryptozoology #Sasquatch
Investigator Kevin Buresh shares new insights about the film. Images. Gifs.
Patterson-Gimlin Footage Turns 44
The specimen was first sensed by the horses. Images.
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