Finding the next new species of coelacanth may involve conducting detective work, ethnographically, in West African art.
Gathering of Gators: Mid-2012 List
A crazy crocs census is assembled for the midyear.
Crazy Croc Caught in New Hampshire
#CrazyCrocs #OutOfPlace
“Mom, guess what I found in the pond?”
New Review of Varmints
A bit of skepticism and humor is thrown in when the reviewer notes: “Little coverage is given to Big Foot, Hogzilla, and Lizard Man.” Image.
Shark Week Stalks NH Woods?
“It’s totally Shark Week,” the man said.
Slender Loris: Out-Of-Place Sighting
The small, nocturnal primate is found mostly in the tropical rain forests of Southern India and Sri Lanka. Image.
Pikes Peak's Mystery Animals
Officials never learned where some of these animals came from. Images.
Servals in NY and Ohio ~ and California?
What else is out there? Image.
Ocelots and Jaguars Moving North
The known ranges of South and Middle American cats are changing. Trailcams are proving it. Images.
OOP Albatross
Are sightings of large cryptid birds sometimes merely known birds far from their natural habitat? Image.
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