“Bearilla” is the latest media name invented that hardly means anything in relationship to the reports.
Missouri “Gorilla” Killed Livestock, 1947
#Momo #Missouri #Monster #Bigfoot
Times were rough and ready in the Midwest, 65 years ago.
Missouri Mystery Kangaroos
#Eyewitness #MysteryKangaroos #Cryptozoology
These accounts won’t hop away.
Joplin Bigfoot Report
Disaster has hit the area, and we are reminded of the areas’ past brush with a Bigfoot or an unknown anthropoid. Images.
New Macon County, Missouri Mountain Lion Sighting
Recent sightings have been confirmed in the “show-me” state.
New Missouri Mt. Lion Photo
“I called everyone close to me and said, ‘You’re not going to believe this, I caught a mountain lion on my camera,’” said the photographer. Image.
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