The International Cryptozoology Museum has offered our full services of identification to the Westbrook Police Department.
New French Fiction Book On Giant Snakes
One was worthy of the snake described in the memoirs of Colonel Fawcett.
Un Anguilla Gigante Mangia Un Cane
“Un anguilla gigante mangia un cane” is Italian for “a giant eel eats a dog.” Videos.
Japanese Woman Swallowed by Giant Snake
This report comes from one of the most desolate provinces in Japan, from where monster reptiles and wild animals are frequently killed.
Giant Snake Roars Like Train
This is from Iowa, 1885.
Giant Horned Snake
This account is from Pennsylvania, 1902.
Giant Snake: Kentucky 1925
It is said to be brownish in color, large black spots covering the body, with some reports noting it was upwards of 22 feet long.
Kansas Monster Snake: 1933
Its eyes “glow like a cat’s at night.”
World's Longest Captive Snake Dies
Fluffy was a a gigantic reticulated python. Images.
Decatur County's Monster Snake
Reported to be from twenty-five to thirty-five feet long.
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