CBS Sunday Morning is scheduled to air their examination of the science of pursuing new species this weekend.
Will Exists, Cryptopalooza, and the International Cryptozoology Museum be highlighted when CBS Sunday Morning broadcasts their cryptozoology segment this Sunday, November 11, 2012? Television is a rapidly changing medium and the latest word is that the cryptozoology segment shall be aired this coming Sunday.
Here is what the CBS site says:
SCIENCE: Cryptozoology
In Jefferson, Texas , a group of like-minded (or should we say, like-obsessed) people gathered to swap stories of strange sightings – mysterious animals and elusive creatures lurking in the deep woods. Serena Altschul reports on the science of hidden animals.
Scheduling conflicts, breaking international or national events can always change plans and timing is fluid. Tone, as reflected in the website teaser, may be different than noted. Also, it is not truly known what will be included.
Bigfoot Sun by Andy Finkle
This fall, producer Mary Lou Teel and her crew, along with senior (but youthful) correspondent Serena Altschul visited Portland, Maine’s International Cryptozoology Museum, and spent a full day filming at the site, interviewing me (Loren Coleman), and talking to visitors to the collection. Then during the weekend of October 20th, the CBS folks journeyed to Cryptopalooza in Jefferson, Texas, and they recorded hours of background footage and interviews.
CBS also may show a micro-second screening of a few clips of the new Bigfoot film, Exists, (set in Texas), also on their broadcast of CBS Sunday Morning.
Bigfoot Sol by Don Brown
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