Here’s an update to John Kirk’s posting. In an exclusive communiqué sent to me this month, Adam Davies and Andrew Sanderson tell of finalizing their next new search. The two UK cryptozoologists, who appeared in the successful new National Geographic documentary about their search for the Orang Pendek, are back, hot on the trail of other hairy hominoids in 2006. They are planning a return expedition to Mongolia and now it is set to occur in June. This time the objective is to find evidence of the elusive Almas. The two close friends are excited to go. Preparations are being [...]
New Bigfoot Books
Four newly republished, updated Bigfoot-oriented books are hitting the bricks & mortar and online stores this spring. If you want an autographed copy of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates and/or a copy of The Unidentified & Creatures of the Outer Edge, send along $25 each postpaid to Loren Coleman, PO Box 360, Portland, ME 04112.
FGBF: First Look at Cover
Here’s a first look at the cover of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, due out at the end of March 2006.
Malay DNA & Cast in Play
DNA samples, theories on the creatures living in the swamps, future appearances on reality television are all in the news. Do not look for the Malaysian Bigfoot story to bolt from the media radar soon. Furthermore, we continue to ponder what to make of this track, cast by Sci-Fi’s Josh Gates? The footprint site is more visible in this new photograph (above) of the Malaysian Bigfoot cast still in the ground. This is the footcast that will be tested for DNA. Compare it to the following images of the other side of the cast and various comparative rhino and Orang [...]
Who Was On That Malaysian Expedition?
An explosion of media attention today…at least three articles hitting the internet…news of an expedition…backing by a television show…a photograph of a footprint…and more. Fasten your seat belts. Sometimes it is only location and funding that separate cryptozoologists from the action. As I’ve been suggesting for weeks, Malaysian scientists are the obvious choices for going into the rainforest to look for their own "Bigfoot" first. Reports now from a London paper indicate that a team of "paranormal investigators," including an Australian tracker, a filmmaker from Los Angeles, a reality film crew, and apparently a British reporter are in hot pursuit [...]
Are There Three Kinds of Malaysian Bigfoot?
The story of the "Bigfoot" in the Endau-Rompin National Park, Malaysia, is becoming more complex. It seems like the time is ripe to sort out the media’s reports that the locals are seeing three types of hairy hominoids. According to the Bernama news service, on February 20, 2006, accounts surfaced that the locals, the Orang Asli, living along the Johor-Pahang border, claimed they have seen a variety of different-sized "Bigfoot" in the area. Illustration: Typical True Giant, drawing by Harry Trumbore, from Anomalist Books’ new edition of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Loren Coleman and [...]
Malaysian Bigfoot: Reviewing the Stories
The following is a comprehensive listing of the links to all stories on the Malaysian "Bigfoot" (mawas, orang dalam, and other names) to be found at Cryptomundo, since December 24, 2005, when the South Asia media attention began. Search for the Setontot Harold Stephen’s Expedition Naming Malaysia’s Bigfoot ABC News Ridicules Malaysian Reports More Malaysian News Malaysian Expedition Delay Malaysian Teams to Search Malaysian Footprint Photos Locals Search for Malaysian Bigfoot BFRO Jumps on Bandwagon Malaysian Update First Image of Malaysian Bigfoot Media Madness and the Malaysian Bigfoot Malaysian Cryptotourism Malaysian Bigfoot on Camera More Early News on the Malaysian [...]
In Search of the Malaysian Setontot
The Bernama news service is reporting that the startling new discoveries in the Foja Mountains of Papua, Indonesia, are good news for the possible discovery of Bigfoot in Malaysia. But also, there is the hint of a new cryptid in this news. The Endau-Rompin National Park, bordering Johor and Pahang, now has an increased possibility for "new species" discoveries, the Indonesia government declares, since all the Malaysian search activity noted here at Cryptomundo in recent months: sightings, footprint finds, and expeditions. Of all variables, the most encouraging has been the official government’s open-minded and even-handed approach, with national and regional [...]
The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2005
The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2005 by Loren Coleman, Cryptozoologist and Author, Bigfoot!, Cryptozoology A to Z, and other books. Welcome to this year’s Top Stories in Cryptozoology. It was quite a year, and perhaps captured best by the headline used on Mark Baard’s article in the November 1st issue of Wired News, "America Goes Cryptozoology Crazy." From the Associated Press to Downeast Magazine, from Boing Boing to Business Wire, from Maine Things Considered to Coast to Coast AM, from Giant Robot to G4tv’s Attack of the Show, from the Maine Sunday Telegram to Fox TV News, from the Southern [...]
Yes, Florida Frank, There Are Skunk Apes
Florida Frank Falls Flat Flinging Follies After the Tampa Tribune printed a relatively positive article touching on Cryptozoology and the work of cryptozoologist-educator Scott Marlowe, the very same Tampa Tribune decided to publish a highly opinionated, wrong-headed, rebuttal column by Frank Sargeant. Entitled "Don’t Buy Into Skunk Ape Tale," Sargeant makes it seem like cryptozoologists are out to "sell" something, when, indeed, it’s Sargeant that elevates his discussion to almost a religious debate, somewhat about marketing. Skeptics are like that. They want to ignore the evidence and make it about belief and book sales, something they seem to be wrestling [...]
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