Swamp Monsters

Mitchell River Monster?

Editor Lee Murdock of Fly Fishing Magazine brings to our attention North Carolina’s Mitchell River Monster. Noting a North Carolina author who is writing about unusual sightings in the Carolinas, Murdock writes… What caught my eye about this one was the mention of one of our area’s delayed harvest rivers coupled with the word monster: "One of the most compelling and frightening of the stories is that of the Mitchell River monster, a strange, unnaturally tall, violent creature that appears beside a calm stream – or, sometimes, next to Poplar Springs Road." The Mitchell River is located in Surry County [...]

Maine Gators

Earlier this week, Cryptomundo made mention of crocs in Maine’s fictional Lake Placid, and now there’s been an actual report of an alligator found in the state. Thank goodness the Cryptomundo blog was just a coincidence. The coastal Village Soup online news source noted that on Saturday, April 22, 2006: Maine Game Warden Neal Wykes received an emergency call from Judy Walker, an employee at Maine Audubon. “A three-foot alligator had been found in a farm pond on Maine Audubon property in Falmouth,” she told Wykes. Wykes rushed to this unusual call, possibly wondering if it was a hoax. “When [...]

More Monster Movies

According to Fangoria, coming soon in 2007 to the SciFi Channel, these movies will screen: Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon, an American World Pictures from a script by Rafael Jordan, and Lake Placid II, more about giant crocs in Maine, from Sony Pictures. Both sound enjoyable. Please, bring back more drive-ins. By the way, Lake Placid from 1999 was set in Maine, but filmed in North Carolina. We do have lakes, trees, monsters, and really not that much snow in Maine, especially from June to August. Actors actually like our state. So do writers. Hollywood, how about shooting in [...]

Dog-Sized Monster Rabbit

Last week, in time for Easter thoughts of cuddly bunnies, images of armed hunters like this gentleman below, were broadcast around the world. The hunt for the giant rabbit said to be destroying the gardens of Felton, UK, was on. Under headlines like “Giant Rabbit Terrorizes Village” and “World Goes Crazy For Wor Rabbit,” the media informed an anxious public that: A “monster” rabbit has apparently been rampaging through vegetable patches in a small village in northern England, ripping up leeks, munching turnips and infuriating local gardeners. “They call it the monster. It’s very big — it’s nearly the size [...]