Swamp Monsters

Name the Mystery Fish Continued…

The Mystery Continues: Strange Fish Remains Unidentified Over 25,000 visits to the "Name the Mystery Fish" Cryptomundo blog produced some interesting leads, a dating for the postcard, and much speculation on what the unknown fish species might be. But the mystery continues… Yesterday’s blog "Name the Mystery Fish" received an enormous amount of interest and generated the largest number of comments seen here yet. It continues to stimulate speculation across the Internet. The case remains open as to when, where, and what kind of fish is pictured. The identification of this specimen is still unsolved and your further comments are [...]

Name the Mystery Fish

Can you identify this mystery fish found on an old postcard? (Click on image to see full size version) Is there a Cryptomundo reader out there that can help? The men in the picture look like military servicemen. The surroundings look like this photograph was taken on a beach or island. The fish appears to be about six feet long (notice the yard or meter stick lying next to it). But where are the fins on this cryptid (or even a tail)? What is it? Send in a comment if you know what this cryptid fish might be. Added note: [...]